Thursday, April 12, 2012

birthday blossom

Have you ever given thought to that of a blossom that blooms each year just like a birthday.
  I never tire of observing birthdays or blossoms.
It is quite an art to study flowers as they bloom, flourish and then fade.  
There is a place nearby that I love to go with my dog and just witness the power of nature. 
 I rescued this blossom and brought it home to paint.  
There is something beautiful about a blossom as it unfolds and fades away.  
I find the beauty lies in the age or the fragility or life.  We cannot keep our youth forever.
As I prepare for my Art Studio Open tour the end of April, I am trying my best to focus on all that flourishes and fades in Spring.   I will have boxes of cards for sale, a few works of art and samples of past examples of art work.

Today, I wish my dear Mother a Happy 85th birthday.  May she continue to bloom, to thrive, to flourish and to inspire us all with her boundless energy and respect for life.  

pve design - watercolor blossom painted on Arches Aquarelle Paper 140lb.


Southern Lady said...

I love the blossom. Just beautiful. Wishing your mother a Happy Birthday with many more to come! Carla

Acquired Objects said...

A very Happy Birthday to your Mom Patrica! I love your painting you do such wonderful work it's really beautiful.

Enjoy your day!

Joyce said...

Happy Birthday to your mom!!!
Patricia will you share more about this tour? Is it for local artist? Does it raise $$ for a cause? Or is it for future students? Etc... I'm sure I would love the tour regardless. Don't forget to take lots of photos.
Ps you know if I was there I would help where ever I could. Maybe standing by the welcome table serving lavender lemonade and shortbread cookies. xo

Kwana said...

What a beautiful blossom. Happy birthday to your lovely mother. Please give her my love. She is such a treasure.

Belle on Heels said...

Happy birthday to Mama PVE!

Jennifer C. Webb said...

oh yes, my Madame Alfred Carriere rose bloomed for the first time the day I had my second daughter. My husband could not wait to get back to the hospital to tell me! It is blooming as I write this...her 2nd birthday is tomorrow.

Hope it will bloom for her for 85 years like your Mother

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom!!

And, dare I say, in this case I prefer your artful bloom to the actual one!

Can't wait for your Open House!!!
xoxo Elizabeth

My Notting Hill said...

Just this morning I was thinking of fading youth as I noticed the "crease" on my chest was still evident in the bathroom mirror eventhough I had been up for a while!

Best wishes for a Happy Birthday to your mom. Wish I could make it up for your studio open house.

Purple Flowers said...

Happy 85th Birthday to your Mom! I love the way you speak of your parents.

Anonymous said...

What fabulous blossom, I love wisteria as it blooms and fragrances the air. Wishing your mother a very Happy Birthday!!

Gail, northern California said...

That is one of the prettiest paintings you've ever done. It's difficult to know if both pictures feature the same painting but for some reason I like the top photo best where the edge of the petals almost disappear.

Who am I (one who doesn't paint) to dare comment but I like the lighter touch in color.

Good luck with your studio tour.

MJH Design Arts said...

Thank for this beautiful post. Just as I was opening your email, my thoughts were on the process of an orchid bringing forth its blooms. Such beauty and patience. Have a wonderful Friday. Mary

ann chamberlain said...

Happy Birthday! The painting is lovely!

Amanda C. Bee said...

Exquisite and beautiful! Such an inspirational and thought provoking post and I wish the happiest of birthdays to your mother! xoxo

LindsB said...

Happy Belated birthday to your mom! I hope she had a wonderful celebration with lots of beautiful blooms like this one :)