
Monday, October 31, 2011

a merry halloween

Have yourself a merry halloween.  My daughter went to school a ballerina but we have snow on the ground and it is cold, so she donned a merry mask tonight with warmer attire.  I wonder if this will be her last year for trick or treating.  Excuse my late post, our internet was down, no phone, no cable but we are one of the fortunate to have heat and electric.  Enjoy your night.  Be safe and be merry.

Friday, October 28, 2011

tweedy week

Here is a snippet of my week which reminds me of a tweedy melange.
Above is a commissioned illustration that I did outdoors of a home, that reminds me of a Swiss Chalet.
I was such a gorgeous morning, the leaves were falling and swirling all around me.
Apples were given to me which made me smile.  I enjoyed my day!
 Finally got a rug pad for this rug that I added to the kitchen by the built in pantry.
Been stocking the pantry with beverages, holiday goodie boxes for gifting and napkins.
Master Bedroom deep floors and lovely light walls and warm sun!

 My floors are stained a lovely deep rich warm stain.  The Master Bedroom walls are moonlight white, Ben Moore which reminds me of fresh egg whites.
My Waterworks .25 tub made it successfully into the Master Bath although it is not yet "bath ready" because it needs to be situated by our plumber.
 The Simply white color with the glass tile in the shower looks 
a tad warm, so I am giving Martha "Bakery Box White" a try which has a tint of misty watery blue.
 Made an Apple Pie.
 Cleaned, chopped and cooked some fresh veggies for soup.
 My daughter on the left (and her dear friend) had Colonial Day at her school this week on Wednesday which was great fun.
Thank-you for fellow friend Victoria and blogger- Art House Design, for loaning such a charming dress, apron and bonnet for the day.

I told you my week was tweedy mix of random musings!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

tweed tailgate

This weekend, we look forward to going to our son's tailgate at Union College
My tweed Jacket is ready along with a plaid blanket and umbrellas.
 I am preparing some treats to bring along, black bean dip, some fresh cheese, breads, fruit and a thermos of hot apple cider.  What sort of treats would you bring to a tail gate?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

pink tweed

 Tweed or the mention of tweed often can mean manly harris tweeds, but I love touches of feminine tweeds and I happily found this Chanel Tweed Brun Rose compact.  

It immediately reminded me of the artist de Kooning Pink Angels on exhibit at the Moma.
Can you picture this in a room full of warm tweeds.  Palest of pinks, golds and coral.

Imagine sitting pretty in this pink tweed chair wearing a Chanel tweed jacket!
Do you have a pretty Chanel tweed brun rose blush compact or any pink tweed in your life to make you blush?

Monday, October 24, 2011

hacking jacket

Each Fall, Jackets always seem to instantly add a layer of warmth and finish to one's look.
A Jacket in a tweed herringbone is like an old friend.
 I have always admired Janet from The Gardener's Cottage.  Look at how great she puts her vintage RL
Hacking Jacket together with boots, a chambray shirt and leggings for riding around town. Love the shades too.
Here she is again, belting this same jacket with a white shirt, jeans and lace-ups.  Do you have a hacking jacket or favorite fall jacket?  Feel free to send me photos of your favorite fall item.
e-mail to

top illustration -pve design for jmclaughlin (vintage)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

tweed rover

 I rather like knowing that I am in line with Bill Cunningham.  I have a fashion file of smartly dressed ladies and gentlemen in dashing tartan and tweed.  I could just sketch this sort of look all day long.  When I worked in Fashion, Fall was always my favorite season because of the myriad of textures and patterns.
I am going to devote this week ahead to sharing some kicky fashion illustrations.
What sort of Autumn classics do you wear every year?
Vests, bow ties, caps, hacking jackets, argyles, lace ups, plus fours?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

autumn escape

When was the last time you gave yourself a little permission to escape and get lost in a good read...
or baked something so delightful.  I made these sweet individual apple pie cookies from smitten kitchen.
Tell me, what sort of escapes do you have planned for the weekend?
A good book, a recipe or an outing?

top image from penelope illustration
apple pie cookies from smitten kitchen

Friday, October 21, 2011



Time management requires reservations or what I like to call a "schedule."
If we do not make a priority list or say no, things will surely be out of balance.

Preparing for a dinner party, one makes a menu and shops for the ingredients.
Time is set aside to actually prepare the meal and to set the table.

I love to be "prepped" for the weekend, spending time to shop, and bring home seasonal delights.
Nothing like chopping red cabbage and green cabbage to embrace October.
Making braised cabbage to share with friends and some yummy mashed potatoes and applesauce.
The health benefits of eating seasonally are on way up there on my priority list.
Baking some apple pie too for dessert.
When friends ask, how I do it.
I keep fairly simple lists in order of priority.
I try to do things in order of priority on my list and on a time clock.

A few years ago, I read on chez Larsson these valuable tips to Simplify 101;

1.  Prioritize, highest priority is first
2.  Say NO
3.  Strive for balance
4.  Avoid the buffet syndrome (which means you cannot have it all or do it all)

Learn to use the clock as your friend and schedule down time to relax.  What are some tips that help you to prioritize and feel balanced with your time.

artwork by terry wise studio

Thursday, October 20, 2011

design workshop

 If you feel the need for a little design workshop and live or will be in the Atlanta vicinity, be sure to sign up for one of the Kandrac and Kole design workshops.  I created the above illustration for their site and only wish I were going to be able to join this dynamic duo for a very special workshop.

Where: The very hip offices of Kandrac & Kole Interior Designs
4366 Senator Richard Russell Avenue, Acworth, GA 30101

When: Sunday, October 30th from 1pm-4pm
 Cost: $99/person*
How: Reserve your spot by emailing us
**RSVP soon because space is limited!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

a house

One of my most favorite things about blogging is reading other blogs and especially one's that post about their homes and all the love they give to make a house a home.
Many inspire me to want to capture them in a work of art.
To be honest, I am not completely happy with this one. 
I still want to work on it.  I feel my artwork needs something more.... but I am sharing it with you anyway and sending it off to;
Joan shares every corner of her home so graciously in each and every post all year long.
Every house should be loved like this.
I really want to try to paint this one in oil.


My big sister sent this photo to me. Can you find me?  I love perusing old photos.  In many ways, I connect to my younger self.  I always want to know more about myself as the childhood years truly are the formative ones.  True to myself, I still possess a passion for white shirts and the middle part and a wide smile.  Bangs just never were my thing.  Now, do you spot me?

Monday, October 17, 2011

monday motivation - scales and ladders

It is monday and each morning monday-friday, I step on the scale to see where I night need to make an adjustment.  I keep an index card with the date and weight and record what the scale tells me.  Last year when I was training with a trainer, he told me that the mirror and the scale are our friends.  It is normal for our weight to fluctuate like a ladder, up and down.  If we find a target weight that we feel good at, then the key is to try to maintain that weight.  It is like a game of "scales and ladders!"

What works for you?  Do you weigh in or not?  Do you just avoid the scale and rely on the fit of your jeans?  Love to know how you motivate yourself to find a happy weight.  Please, I realize this is a personal issue and please know that I am not judging anyone for not weighing in on this post, I just think we can all provide helpful tips to motivate each other.

I am off for my morning walk and then back for my morning oats.  Happy Monday.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

woodsy weekend

  I had to select the stain for our wood floors and one would think that would be simple.
So many choices.
 First I had a cup of black coffee.
 I curled up and texted my dear sister seeking her good council.  
She reminded me that light does not show the dirt.
Considering that my walls are not dark, they are moonlight white, I knew I could go dark.
I wanted dark all along.
They are working right now and I will be back with a photo of the finished floors this week.
Today, there is a nice crispness in the air, perhaps a fire is order, now to gather the wood.
What color wood do you like?
all images, pinterest "pve wood"

Friday, October 14, 2011

fantastic friday finds

 Spotted this wonderful moleskin over at The Covateur sold at Shipley~ Halmos.
 ...along with this fantastic ring, Latin, "ARS LONGA ViTA BREVIS" Art is long, life is short.
from Shipley-Halmos.
Been searching for a briefcase for my husband and this one is sold out.  Now why is it all the fantastic finds are always sold out.  Why?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

house of orange

Something about the month of October that makes me want to bring some orange inside my house.
Rusty orange mums, orange cords, orange velvet and lots of pretty Autumnal orange touches to pack a punch.  Pumpkins carved as a vase, orange candles, orange pillows and orange knobs.  Does your house have any orange?
pve design illustration for kandrac and kole.

swelling up

 Sharing some swell new artwork for the swell Oct/Nov issue of Sheridan Road Magazine.
A time for spotting scary things, dressing up and giving thanks.
How are things swelling up for you this Autumn season?
Hope you are putting your swell feet forward.

all artwork created for sheridan road magazine, by pve design

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

less and less

Are you living with less and less?  While I am re-stocking my kitchen, I find myself letting go of items that no longer seem to be needed.  After months of using less, I have realized the lesson of less is more.

Over the weekend, our 14 year old Volvo was donated and picked up as it was time to let it go.  One of my goals is to use my car less and less and walk more often.  That old car and all the miles of memories gone in an instant.  One less car.

Tell me one thing that you are finding that you use less and less?  Take one thing out of your day or off your list and see if it frees up your life for more room to live.

Monday, October 10, 2011

monday motivation - courage

 In French they have an expression "bon courage" which means all the best in your efforts.  I wonder if Christopher Columbus had friends and family wishing him all the best in the courage department.
Is there something you are searching for that could use a bit of courage?  Very often it is the fear of getting lost that we actually make new discoveries.

Having my college sons home over the weekend was truly wonderful.  I can see that they are both making new discoveries on campus with courage and conviction.   It will take courage letting the 2nd twin go today back to school, the firstborn son left yesterday as he has an exam to study for.  
Twin no.2 is already talking of an ROTC summer program that would take him somewhere far away.  

What was the last discovery that you made that required courage?

Friday, October 07, 2011


 "It is confidence in our bodies, minds and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures, new directions to grow in, and new lessons to learn - which is what life is all about."

~Oprah Winfrey

Our sons are freshman and are away at University.  Today they are coming home for the long weekend.
I know their sister will be happy to have them shower her with love.
I will be so thrilled to have them home and hear all about their first month and new discoveries.
Looking forward to sharing our new kitchen and nourishing my family with home cooked meals and a lively house.
It is Columbus weekend here in the states.
top image, art by julia patterson, middle and bottom images photos of pve