Tuesday, June 14, 2011

in the swim

I love little goldfish and round fishbowls.
pve design - oil painting of gold fish -sold June 19,2011
I have been testing and braving new waters.
Each day I allow myself to get in the swim, painting things that inspire me.
This is how it starts and then I just keep doing laps, with the paint and my brush - one stroke at a time.
Hope things are going along swimmingly for you all.


Christina Elaine said...

Love the fish and it is always great to go with inspiration.....

Karena said...

Patricia I have created some fish paintings as well!! Isn't it fun to do something unique!

Art by Karena

I have an amazing Giveaway from the Artisans at Novica. You will love it!

The French Tangerine said...

Love the fish! and the bowl! I love them in painting form so much... In real life, not so much... I got stuck cleaning the smelly goldfish bowl for years... he was seriously the goldfish that would not die! Yes, I much prefer the painted version!

Claudia Lane said...

love your style...you are a great inspiration to me:))
Claudia xo

The Buzz Blog said...

I'm the type to dip my toe in the water before taking the plunge! Looks like you've lapped me... Love the goldfish and given our track record with the live ones, your painted one would last a lot longer!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Love the bright color ......finish product is nice!

I Dream Of said...

What a sweet and happy fish! I'm inspired by your testing of the waters. How wonderful to be in the swim -- I'm sure you will go to beautiful places.

Mrs. Limestone said...

So pretty!

Kwana said...

So sweet. Wonderful that you're trying new things. Keep swimming.

Unknown said...

Love fish and this new direction in your art. One stroke at a time!

xo E

LindsB said...

LOVE the fish- it is the perfect colors and also a really fun subject to paint- he is so cute!!!

Janet said...

So wonderfully fresh! There is something almost Asian about this this. . . the looseness of the brushstrokes perhaps.

JMW said...

LOVE these! Especially after returning from a beach vacation, I can't enough of fish and other sea life imagery.

Unknown said...

I love this little fish painting. I know how hard it is getting glass right and you've done a beautiful job!

xo Mary Jo

Unknown said...

I love this little fish painting. I know how hard it is getting glass right and you've done a beautiful job!

xo Mary Jo

Moments and Impressions said...

Loving him... what a great little pet to have. Pretty all the time and never needing fed.

24 Corners said...

Oh...your little fishy reminds me of my sweet Duke...it's a wonderful painting!
xo J~

Joyce said...

It could be one fish to another (Pisces), but I have fallen in love with this little guy! xo