
hope you are not disappointed
you were probably mislead by the title of this post
stacked books and periodicals artfully arranged are sexy
piles of "clean" towels are too
neatly folded and stacked linens are flirty behind glass

stacked white dishes piled high and ready for an all out feast

even monograms look stacked and ready to dish it up
how do things stack up at your home?
If only I could keep our linen so artfully piled!
THIS IS my kind of "stacked." There is just something "right" about all that order.
I wish my linens looked like that! Love the crisp look of all white towels in neat order.
My stacks are more like piles - thankfully, behind closed doors! Time for some spring cleaning before summer is upon us...
love the orderly display..i am proud to say my china cabinet looks just as swish..though the same cannot be said about my linen cabinet!! have a lovely day, patricia.. xx meenal
Oh, I'm a stacker extrodinaire. And, much to Babe's amusement, I use one of those GAP/BananaRepublic boards for uniform folding in my stacks :)
Love that black armoire for holding the beautifully folded towels!
Have a sunny day.
I love to stack, much to my husbands dismay! Like the STACKS of laundry that have piled. Maybe I could make them look artistic:)??
i'm definitely a stacker. lack of space, you know. i think one of the prettiest things ever is a stack of fluffy white towels and stacks of white dishes.
I am a stacker and like to have the towels all neatly folded the same way. There something about opening the linen closet that gives me a smile when I open the door and everything has its place. xo
I think it's time to go organize my linen closet. I have to admit that things are neatly stacked where your can see them - glass fronted cabinets, the white vintage chair that I stack towels on in the bathroom--but not so much behind closed doors. Maybe some day the house elves will come and neatly stack my shelves!
Sadly perhaps, that's exactly what I expected from your title. If only my linen closet looked so perfectly neat. I just adore neat closets and drawers. I seem to be better at the small compartmentalized spaces that the big picture!!
Neat and tidy is sexy to me!!!! All is well in my life when the linen closet is neat and everything is in its place!!!!
Perfect stacks!
xo Elizabeth
Super sexy!
I love stacks of (clean) dishes and piles of books. Lovely inspiration.
I totally love stacked things..!!
These pictures are beautiful!!
I LOVE stacked things! Anything in multiples is better! I wish my towels looked that neat
If only I could keep up this level of tidiness.... always in a rush and never able to keep things as they should be kept !!
Thanks for the giggle! These stacks are visually delicious. Organization can be so beautiful. I'm inspired!
I try my best at home and am pretty ok I think but when it comes to the children's drawers...well it's a different story! :))
typically, quite orderly... but since i didn't get to bring "my kitchen" when we moved... it's a bit sparce. no need for stacking. i can line everything, piece by piece. :)
Everything looks so clean and convenient in the pictures. My stacks tend to look like leaning towers of Pisa.
Perhaps its time for a spring cleaning?
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