what can i say, my girl motivates me to be a better Mom.
do you remember age eleven and feeling the world revolved around you.

tell me you do. my girl has her finger on the pulse and had a busy weekend.
dancing, sports night and socializing at birthday parties, manicures, pizza and laughter...
Knowing that things are all good with girls motivates me to instill the positive side of this age.
It can be a challenging age for many.
Making time for
hugs, friends, and heart to heart chats about faith, friends, family and fashion keeps us connected and motivated!
Do your children motivate you?
be back later with the winners from Novica.
Absolutely! My boys remind me to unplug in the evenings and enjoy downtime with them - pretty soon they'll be off to college and then onto their own lives.
since mine are all grown now it's a little different but they def motivated me when they were young. they actually still do. they all make me want to be a better person.
ps - your daughter is beautiful!
Such a gorgeous girl. Love the look of confidence in her eyes-she looks like she knows anything is possible for her. I can see why she is such a terrific motivator for you...and think she's a lucky girl!
Happy Motivated Monday,
Look at her confidence, so pretty. I love that you make time to stay connected.
My daughter motivates me every second.
she is a girl after my own heart. I like the social scene too!! xo
Ah, what a beautiful girl! Yes, that can be tough age. My kids motivate me to be a better person - to be more patient (oh-so-hard to do) and not sweat the small stuff. Great post!
It seems like yesterday that my girl was 11 and now here I am preparing for college. Way too fast. Way too fast. Hold tight and enjoy while you can.
Yes, my daughter keeps my on my toes. Always has. Yours is so lovely - what a great face.
oh yes, mine motivates me in every way. love these images of your beautiful and spirited girl!
she is.... a d o r a b l e.... just like her mommie...xo
So darling! My daughter left today for a school abroad to Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore! I miss her already! She will be keeping a blog while she's there and I can't wait for her first post!
Loved the photos of your daughter....
For sure! I often think how different my life would have been without my children...they have definitely made me a better woman :))
For sure! I often think how different my life would have been without my children...they have definitely made me a better woman :))
I think faith, heart to heart chats, and chats on the fly are good ways to help children near and dear, as well as grounded - at least, that's what I'm hoping to do for my children! My young ones are all great excuses to try and be a better me. Your daughter looks like a young you, and is lucky to have you as a great mother!!
Your daughter is beautiful!! My boys certainly motivate me. I love watching them grow, develop and become their own little people.
I am not a mother, but I am in awe of the job you all do. WOW.
Patricia- She is amazingly beautiful. So confident in those photos!
And one year older than my oldest, Evie, who has a Peter Pan syndrome. She doesn't want to grow up. I am motivated by her desire to embrace being a child.
she looks so much like you! beautiful. and yes, my children motivate me to be a better mom, person, photographer, you name it. hope you are well. xo
I love these pictures! What an interesting age...yes, my ten and a half year old motivates me, amazes me, but also is starting to push buttons that never existed before between us...breathing, breathing, and realizing that time goes far too fast! I take all of the hugs and snuggles I can get from my 7 year old, and relish each and every one :)
Have a great weekend trying to keep up with your beautiful girl!
She's so adorable and looks just like you!!
My kids in class always motivate me (and crack me up!)...as do our nieces and nephews...nothing like a child to rev things up!
xo J~
I can totally relate! My eleven year old girl is going to sleep away camp in less than a month and it makes me sad thinking about it but I know how good it is for her in so many ways!
Love your blog and now feel like I can relate to you even more:)
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