Thursday, March 03, 2011

within me

Each of us find that within us lies a superhero...or a season,
crucial to inspire or lead us ahead.
The cape of Winter still shrouds us here, not even a glimmer of Spring and all I want is to cloak myself in Summer.
In spite of the cold day, all I can think of is Summer.
Summer blue skies, flags flapping, bright beautiful boats, open-toe sandals, swimming, sunscreen smells and music filling the open air and shrills of delight as the twinkling of the Ice Cream truck drives nearby.
I want to be that elegant lady in the sunny yellow dress having a passion sorbet cruising or holding a sparkler!

What lies within your invincible midst?


quintessence said...

What a great quote! I'd be happy with spring - not quite thinking of summer! I think for many of us our invincible summers are the support and safe harbor our families provide in tough ports of call!

The Buzz Blog said...

Summer seems like such a distant glimmer and while I can't wait for sand between my toes and BBQ's, it's spring that's got my attention. I'm hoping the daffodils I planted are truly invincible and that they'll be poking their little green heads from the ground soon... we need some color around here!

Acanthus and Acorn said...

The quote is fabulous...and so is your refreshed new look! Summer seems so far away as I sit here shivering knowing I will need a turtleneck again today!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Yesterday I bought new lotion with a hint of cocoa butter. The scent made my mind drift to summer...can't wait!

Aspiring Kennedy said...

i just had to come in from walking in the cold, because i was getting hives from the cold!! summer seems a million years away. :)

Joyce said...

I'm looking forward to the longer sunny days. I don't really care for the humidity, but love the feel of summer. Last summer was a blurr since I was indoors most of the time, so I hope to make up this year for lost time.

Unknown said...

Yes, indeed! Camus was right! You know, I am a summer girl, and to get an early feeling I always bring inside flowers and the sunshine surely helps to bridge the mental gap!!
I also dream of warmer days!
Just wait three weeks and it will be much closer to spring...

Bruce Barone said...

Love & Beauty.

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

I'm with you, it can't come soon enough! What a great quote.

Unknown said...

Sun and sand.....I will have an early summer in less than 2 weeks. Ready to do....nothing!

xo Elizabeth

I Dream Of said...

Summer and warmth and hope and newness. We can create our world when we tap into the strength within. Thanks for the reminder! XO

Party Resources said...

I love this quote!! Hope you are having a great week.

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

Terrific quote! Summer feels like it's here for us! 80 degrees and sunny, this time of the year is when I appreciate living in the south:)

Moments and Impressions said...

love that quote! Is it from a book?

The snow has melted and that means we have hope. I painted my toenails and wore peep toes in support.

Anonymous said...

Sigh. Thanks for the hint of a soft summer breeze. Roxanne

Unknown said...

We need the winter to appreciate spring , summer and fall. We go throw and with the seasons in our lives.


24 Corners said...

Love the quote...and love the idea that winter is almost behind us. Bring on spring & summer!!
xo J~

Carole said...

That is one of my favorite quotes. Only 17 days until Spring.

bentley said...

I agree. All I can think of is summer. It's been on my mind all day today. Dreaming of my shoots on the coast. I also look forward to our luncheon on the river! Warmer days lie ahead. 17 days til spring.

Barima said...

London is currently experiencing wintry temperatures, so this is rather timely

I'm fully behind the orange colour scheme; it's a vastly underrated accent. My heart's currently set on a wide orange necktie that I wish was a little less pricey

By the way, I'm a little behind, but I love the current look

All best,