
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

white pages

Let your fingers do the walking...or your books do the stacking
in the shape of a Christmas tree.
Pages of white or blank books that demand my full attention.
White trees call out to be adorned.
There is something wonderful about all white at Christmas.
Spotted this clever topiary tree made from the white pages.
As a child, I remember making Christmas trees from books.

I am thinking of changing from green to white over here.

Pages of white images keep calling me.


  1. Love this! I don't remember making trees from books - but great idea! That first shot is so clever. And I do love an all white scheme for Christmas!

  2. Some year I am going to do a white tree.

  3. I too made trees from books. I saw this on someones blog the other day and brought back the memories. I love green, but I also like the crisp of white. xo

  4. This time of year, white makes me think of snow. Love these images and the calm they conjure up!

  5. So clever! White is so lovely and peaceful.

  6. I love the book tree. We use white lights to decorate our banister going up the stairs to the bedrooms. It looks so elegant.

  7. love the paper topairy and the "tree" from books. it's so fun to see usual things take new forms!

  8. Great ideas - love the idea of the book shelf looking like a Christmas tree. Such fun!

  9. Love white. I would love to do a tree almost covered in "snow". Please tell me you are not going to change your perfect green logo.

  10. White makes me think of Bing Crosby and lots of snow. Love that topiary made from the white pages!


  11. i'm going to reverse my books in the cabinet right now. i hope it looks good.


  12. Cool idea....I have seen a lot of Christmas decor with music sheets but the phone book is pretty unique!

  13. The white topiary made from the white pages made me think of the huge Sears catalogue we used to get growing up. My brother and I would go through it about this time each year, picking out toys we wanted for Christmas. I feel so old saying that!!!
    Happy, happy holidays to you Patricia.

  14. I love this post. The tree out of books is great. And finally something to do with all those white pages, I have a stack of those. Very clever ideas:)

  15. PVE,

    The mind of creatives knows no limits! It is sometimes our common sense that forgets to play.

    Fun post!


  16. that first image gives me so many fun ideas. we have no storage so we are a house of shelves.

  17. AH-mazing!! That first one is my favorite knack!!!!!

  18. Love all the images! Esepcially the bookcase tree - lovely!!

  19. Love the idea of using white pages for projects.
    I love the top image, it's my favourite :))

  20. I love the book tree. I could see my oldest daughter (the book-lover) having a Christmas tree like that one day. Carla

  21. I like using my white everyday plates w/ a pop of color provided by Marimekko napkins and runner.

  22. LOVE that first picture!! How brilliant!

  23. The yellow pages Xmas Topiary is very cute and I'm all for recycling! My daughter has been making Christmas trees out of old novels this week and I think I'll keep them on display well after Xmas!
