Thursday, November 04, 2010

tech talk

The collection of sketches were illustrated for "Sheridan Rd" magazine - vol.4 no.5 2010.
The article, written by the Editorial Director, "Kate Ancell" - titled "Tech Talk" is all about etiquette for the use of social media.
Everyone seems to be on a line of some sort where ever I go.
My inspiration for this article was right out my window, birds on a line.

Long ago....the opera glasses were for pure entertainment and viewing pleasure, however now, the computer seems that it is a stage full of pictures embedded without any sort of concern over one's privacy.

Do you remember talking on the phone with the cord? Now the home phone seems to be purely for telemarketers and a barren wasteland for recorded messages. Texting seems to be the way we talk now.

How reachable are you? Is your blackberry your "plus one" and always at your side? Are you hopelessly devoted to tech talk? Are you?


Anonymous said...

I love those little birdies! I do get very insulted when people sit and text while socialing. I don't understand????

jacjewelry said...

Very pretty illustrations! I love the old phones withe cord. I don't understand this constant need to be in touch either... and I don't own a blackberry. :)

Joyce said...

Cute Patricia! When I'm with friends or famiy I actually keep put my fone on vibrate so it doesn't ring. I think it is important to focus on the person I'm spending time with. xo

abby jenkins said...

Sometimes I like to let my iphone's battery die, just so I can be off the grid for awhile. In today's world everyone expects to be able to reach you instantly, assuming if you don't respond to an email, voicemail, text within seconds you are avoiding them. It's a part time job keeping up.

The birds on a wire concept is spot on! Nice work.

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Love this! I do remember talking for hours with my girlfriends on the phone with a cord...frustrated it wouldn't extend all the way into my bedroom so I could shut the door!

I do have an issue with people looking at their phones and text while in a conversation...particularly if two in the group start. What are you doing? Talking about me "behind" my back! Ha, ha...

Kwana said...

I miss the old kitchen phone and want one installed for old times sake. Just to stay connected. We all need to step back and unplug a bit.

Unknown said...


First, I love your illustrations! Those birds are adorable.

I love technology and I use it as my "secret assistant". I have an iPhone and just purchased an Airbook laptop yesterday.

Human interaction is vital to all forms of business and an emotional balancer with our family and friends. I respect privacy, don't use my phone when I'm with others. But when others are texting while discussing topics I cut it short and move on.

However, in all my business transactions people don't care and show it. Self absorbed, self importance, selfish attitude and most think nothing of it.

This self-culture is a training ground as a new language and we just need to know how it affects us and others to set our own boundaries. I welcome new challenges that help me in our ever changing world.


Nelle Somerville said...

Uh huh...I hang my head in shame and admit it. My name is Nelle and I'm addicted to technology. I'm not that important...I know it. My BB is not plus one but close. I realized how great it was to unplug while on Lake Michigan with no service. A true vacation. :) I DO love these illustrations the most. I'm so fond of the birds.

Unknown said...

Clever clever drawings! I'm either "on" or "off". Haven't been near my computer all day - enjoying instead the company of a friend. It's nice to unplug sometimes.
xo E

Brillante Interiors said...

Love those birds Patricia...and the post really resonates with me. We have gained a lot but lost a lot more. Ciao!

Moments and Impressions said...

I ignore my cell at home 50% of the time and you know nothing bad comes of it. My friends and family know me and know that I don't usually answer but I will call you back.

I like things this way.... a lot.

MySanSouci said...

Charming illustrations! Clever ideas...

Marnie said...

hi patricia - i love this post. how about old-fashioned letter writing - almost a lost art

Emily said...

I'm in love with your illustrations here!!! So creative. You have such great talent Patricia.