Wednesday, November 10, 2010

home keeping

Time for a little pve home keeping today.
Not to worry, I won't be sharing any dirty laundry.
Just need to take care of some pve business.
Do you have a clever idea or a business you want to advertise here?
Working your day job but crafting what you love by night?

Do you have a little secret package that needs to be shared?
Do your friends tell you to make it a business, open a shop, sell it?
Calling all entrepreneurs? Need to roll out an idea?
Perhaps you might like to become a sponsor here?
Do you have something that needs a little "popping?"
If you have a business, and are looking to market your wares, why not become a
pve sponsor here?
As an artist, business owner and blogger, I would be thrilled to have you.
Contact me for rates and details!
Happy to have you and to host giveaways or talk about your home made wares!
I love helping small (or large) businesses grow.
I blog daily. My readers are loyal and love fresh ideas, services and products.
What are you waiting for?
all images from country living


Joyce said...

I can bet my bottom dollar, whoever rents a spot here will be happy with the southern hospitality and the flair of New York.
I love the black truck image- looks like my vision of a red truck!
Enjoy your day my friend~ xo

pve design said...

Thanks- I can see you sharing your eye and your fabulous photography talents -traveling in a swell red truck with lots of goodies in the back...along with your beautiful assistant, Mr.BoJangles.
Your support means the world to me.
I am hoping to be in Chicago in July....keep your fingers crossed! Would you like to get lost with me after lunch?

Bruce Barone said...

I am selling greeting cards and prints. And my fiance is a soap-maker.

Tell us more, please.

paula said...

I have nothing, but I sure am smitten over these images.

Aspiring Kennedy said...

this would be a great site for any artist or entrepreneur to advertise on... it's a haven for smart, talented people! :)

kayce hughes said...

You go girl!

Unknown said...

If I ever decide to go the business'll be the first to know! I'm sure my husband would love me to do more than type for free! :)
xo E

Unknown said...

As a business owner artist and blogger, he love to have. Contact me for pricing and details! People are glad that they have and welcome gifts or discuss home goods.

Gouvia Cheap holiday deals

LindsB said...

When I get my business up and running you will be the first place I come- your readers are SUPER loyal and everyone loves you because you are the sweetest and most thoughtful blogger around!!

LindsB said...

When I get my business up and running you will be the first place I come- your readers are SUPER loyal and everyone loves you because you are the sweetest and most thoughtful blogger around!!