Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New York social diary - shopping

How thrilled to bits was I to see my illustration over here. I love that the New York Social Diary has a shopping page. One of my loyal blog readers sent me an e-mail to tell me it was there. Did I tell you that I have the best blog fans....but of course you already know that.

Well, of course shopping is social!
Do you have a date in your social diary to shop?


ArchitectDesign™ said...

Was just in 'your' shop today at lunch - so many cute things there and of course -always love your illustrations :-)

The Buzz Blog said...

Only for turkey, dressing and cranberries this time of year!

pve design said...

love your kooky comments, and they never sound kooky to me, just full of life!

yes - I have to stay away from stores and cute things....ha ha.

Our grocery was packed....lots of lists being checked for Turkey day trimmings.

Bruce Barone said...

Let me think.

I do plan to go shopping with a date!

At one time, when I had a small art gallery, I advertised on NYSD.

Unknown said...

Lately my shopping has been taking place with the click of a mouse. I do love to see that UPS truck arriving!!!

ralph and martha said...

SO glad you illustrated the new shop. Your rendering is perfect!

Karena said...

Oh my Patricia, I need a personal shopper....where is the time!?

Art by Karena

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

I just love this illustration. You do such terrific work. Your pieces are always so lovely and they have such a fun vibe. Thank you again for featuring me on your blog, for that I am truly thankful.

Unknown said...

With pen and brush in hand,
PVE makes shopping stylish and grand!!

SnackQueen15 said...

how awesome it appeared in the NY social diary! how cool is that?

In terms of shopping -I only ever plan to do it all online : )

Dana said...

I can always find time to shop!

I love Pink Tulips' comment. I see that UPS truck almost daily lately...treating myself to a few early Christmas gifts. :)

Jessica Ryan said...

You must surely know that your lovely illustration is on their postcard notifying their loyal customers that the new J.mcLaughlin Westport location is OPEN!

Unknown said...

This is wonderful. My shopping is lately done with the mouse ....and the dog under my feet!

As always, a lovely illustration!
Do you need extra shopping inspiration? Come on over, my holiday bazaar is open!

Marnie said...

connecticut cottages and gardens just did a nice profile on the new j mclaughlin store in westport. enjoy a blessed thanksgiving

Rebecca said...

Merry Thanksgiving!

Shopping on line is so much more enjoyable than Black Friday! Deals are not bad either.

annechovie said...

Congrats, PVE! Very cool - Happy Thanksgiving. xx

Joyce said...

No special date here. I actually do a lot on the net so I can just enjoy the holiday music and walk around the shops. Hugs... xo

Joyce said...

Oops speaking of shops I have your shop listed for black Friday. xo