Sunday, November 07, 2010

manor house

I find this work of art to be full of country elegance. Imagine escaping to this lovely manor house for a Sunday. Picking apples, taking walks, conversing, painting and enjoying nature. I rather love this work for the soft colors and the two gents in the front.


Kwana said...

It would be a fine escape.

Gretchen O. said...

I could get lost in it. Happy Sunday.

Purple Flowers said...

It speaks of country elegance, reading poetry and listening to classical music while sipping tea.
Thank you for sharing a most beautiful escape.

Karena said...

I really love this, it a wonderful rendering! A place one would love to stay.

Art by Karena

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

I love the almost monochromatic palette. It's serene and pleasing.

Unknown said...

Beautiful, blues and browns.
Have a good one,

Anonymous said...

escaping there would be wonderful, ending with tea by the fire.

Carole said...

Happy Sunday.

It's a serene illustration.

Unknown said...

So gorgeous, and calming. I have always dreamed of a little house in the English countryside that I could escape to on weekends, or fill with family on holidays. Maybe someday.

quintessence said...

Love both the image and your lovely imagined scenario! So genteel! Reminds me of Sunnyside with its nod to Dutch architecture.

Anonymous said...

good post.Cheap UGG