Today is a day to stand up and
honor veterans. A day to give back to those who served. I can only imagine the generosity and vulnerablity in the lives of the veterans who served. They fought while building close trusting friendships. They were there to protect one another's back as well as the back of our country.
Leave a comment and one lucky winner will recieve a copy of this book by Keith Ferrazzi.
I ask you, who's got your back?
I am so glad that there are men and women out there protecting our freedom! Thank you to all who serve and have served our country. Carla
My dad served in Patton's army. We used to moan and groan when he'd start down that memory lane. The last time my husband spent with my dad he told the whole thing in one setting: being drafted in Seattle (while attending a chef's school) going directly to northern Africa and three years later in Germany serving as part of the chef team that created Patton's celebration dinner in a German castle. I regret with all my heart that I chose not to hear that story ONE MORE TIME. The good news: it's a deep, old memory that is still with me even though my dad no longer is. His Eisenhower jacket hangs on a hook on my basement staircase as a daily reminder both of my dad and his sacrifice.
A wonderful gift. A BIG thank you to all who serve our country. xo
Thank you from deep in my heart for all those who served, and continue to serve our country.
Glad does not even begin to define how grateful I am for those who choose to serve.
Enjoy your day~
home before dark,
your words are a wonderful tribute to your father.
yes indeed. you give thanks and enjoy this day in the USA!
I am one that thinks we don't do enough for our servicemen and women!
I think the one person that always has my back is my husband and I think I am very lucky for that!
My father and FIL, and several if not all of my uncles are veterans...I can tear up at any Memorial Day parade at just the thought of what sacrifices people have made for our country. Huge gratitude always!xx
Good morning, PVE,
Interesting book, I just checked it out. The title of the book certainly describes veterans--and those who are serving. They have all of our backs.
I am so thankful for our veterans, particularly my dad who servedin Vietnam. We our freedom to them.
We are so lucky to have those brave folks serve for us! I know my hubs, mama, sister and bestie always have my back!
The thought of the brave men and women serving our country is such a blessing, and I am so thankful to them all.
Art by Karena
I feel deep gratitude for all who serve. My younger brother was in Iraq for a year. The sacrifice made by families to have their loved ones so far away, for such a long period of time, and under dangerous conditions is difficult, although small compared to the what the veteran experiences.
hello elizabeth! business has me buried and am selfishly taking a moment to visit my friends.
how nice to recognize veterans day and give it note as we seem to race on and not think of their sacrifices.
am not familiar with this book but love the title. those that we can count on to have our back are priceless
big hugs
My husband had a decision to make: He was a pilot grounded for medical reasons. He was given the opportunity to fly again but that meant he might have to go to Iraq. "Worse than going would be not going" was his comment. There is nothing like the bond between soldiers. He was gone for 15 months.
My stepdad always had my back. He fought in WWII with Patton. He never talked about the war but a few times. We were in Michigan coming back from church and a heavy snow was hanging on the trees. He said, "This reminds me of the war." We asked why and he said because he had to sleep in the snow. I don't think we can ever imagine how hard it truly is to be free and safe! Hope you are well. xoxo
today all I could think about was how much those who serve sacrifice for us...
the big thing as in their own health, safety and life, but then the small things too, the things we tend to take for granted...
holding my daughter, being there for her when she wakes up sick in the middle of the night, being able to curl up next to my husband when I finally get her to bed. The sacrifice it all for us daily. Thank you.
what a wonderful present !
Great title; not familiar with the book.
My father was in the Marines in WW2 and Korea. I would love to win the book!
November 11th is Rememberance Day here Patricia, a very special time of reflection for those who served with the Allied Forces, & who paid the ultimate sacrifice.
P.S. My dearest & best friend in life has my back - always.
My very own Husband! Having served two long tours in Iraq, I know he's got my back from thousands of miles away AND right here at home.
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