Wednesday, November 24, 2010

daily bread (gift-away)

I adore really good breads.
There is something sacred about baking bread and then breaking bread around the table.

In 1983, Daniel Leader put his life in his hands. He left his job in New York City and moved his family to the Catskill Mountains and started Bread Alone Bakery with one goal in mind:
To bake wholesome and organic bread on the hearth of a wood-fired brick oven.

Today Bread Alone is~
Handcrafted, organic, whole grains, local, healthy

How simple, creating each artisan loaf by hand every day from little more than organic whole grains, water and sea salt.

Wishing each of you a simple Thanksgiving with bread on your table for breaking, and sharing.
Today, my gift-away is from Bread Alone, Two Books by Daniel Leader, and 3 bags of flour.
( a fifty dollar value)

Follow me, leave a comment, and promise me you will break bread on Thanksgiving Day.


Christina Elaine said...

I promise I'll break bread on Thanksgiving.. lovely post.....


Gretchen O. said...

Looks delish:) But of course I promise...I love fresh bread (and you can tell with my backside:) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and thanks for such a bountiful giveaway.

quintessence said...

What a prefect give away on this holiday celebrating breaking bread with family and giving thanks. patricia - have a wonderful holiday!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! I will be "breaking bread" with two of my children (the third deciding not to make the trip home from California) and my adorable husband. Happy Thanksgiving!

the gardener's cottage said...

dear patricia,

i would love to read his books. we use a simple no knead bread recipe that is so exquistely simple, my husband can even make it.

happy thanksgiving to you and your family.


Kwana said...

A good bread sometimes is all you need. Happy Thanksgiving my friend.

Joyce said...

I agree with Kwana yes a good bread is all we need!! xo

Loretta Fontaine (EcoHappy Blog) said...

Patricia- How delicious! I'm in charge of the rolls tomorrow. Still deciding on the recipe I'll use.

A Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family!


Lynn Osborne said...

I'll be breaking bread tomorrow!!! Thanks for the giveaway. HAve a blessed Thanksgiving.

Moments and Impressions said...

breaking bread is the easy part... I am terrified of trying to bake my own. it is on my short list, but I might need a tranquilizer to get started... standing in front of the yeast at the grocery makes my palms sweat.

Happy Thanksgiving!

home before dark said...

I agree that baking bread is a sacred act. It connects us to our past and the fragrance of baking bread is a gift from the gods. Wishing you a well bread thanksgiving.

Stitchfork said...

I'd take fresh baked bread over chocolate any day! We bake fresh bread here all the time!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

katjeh said...

i will be breaking bread with a gathering of 27: my parents, my 6 siblings and their families. lots of bread breaking! happy thanksgiving to you and yours.

Kim said...

A friend of mine made me rolls for my dinner tomorrow. Heaven? I think so. Happy Thanksgiving!

kayce hughes said...

I do will be making 5 loaves tomorow. With whole wheat that I grind fresh. If I didn't we wouldn't be able to have the perfect turkey sandwich.

Rebecca said...

Our son-in-law will be making our bread. It is always so good and nourishing.

I adore the turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Vanessa said...

Sister Schubert rolls for Thanksgiving Day but I love baking loaves of honey wheat for toast! Happy Thanksgiving!

SnackQueen15 said...

We eat bread every day! I made baguettes last week which turned out great. My family devoured them!

Hope you and your family had an awesome Thanksgiving!