Monday, September 06, 2010

going the distance

At my age, a medal of any sorts is welcome! Just back from a 5 K run with my 11 year old daughter who won a gold medal, first in her age and I won a bronze! I hope that each of you feel inspired to take on a "wellness" challenge and feel motivated to get in shape! It is the start of school and we can all learn from each other to keep going the distance to meet our personal best goals!


Rob Boddice said...

Uncanny. My post from yesterday: beingmanly: marathon memoir
Well done, by the way!

Unknown said...

This is great! You are a trooper! Congratulations to you both!!!
Well done! You will be fit for everything!
Much love!

Unknown said...


It takes commitment and staying power to listen to that healthly voice inside you. Three cheers!


Kwana said...

Congrats to you and your super daughter! Go you two!

pve design said...

Thank-you vir beatum and congrats to you!

Victoria - hope you are feeling up and atom today.

Bette- cheers to you and to our healthy voices.

Kwana - thanks, I guess if we can't beat'em, we can join'em! Happy day to you dear friend.


La Maison Fou said...

My daughter was running this weekend too for X-C.
Good weekend to you!

ACH said...

Congrats! That is quite an accomplishment! Maybe I will go for a run today...

Hamptontoes said...

Awesome! Love it when people have appetite for life! Way to go, to you and your daughter!

Nancy B. Hartley said...

Congratulations! Wow! What an accomplishment! Hats off to both you and your daughter!

Unknown said...

Congratulations to Mom and Daughter! Physical fitness is the way to wellness. Less than a month ago I had to stop my activities due to a health issue and now on this beautiful day have returned to it--what a difference it makes.
Best wishes,

annechovie said...

Congrats to you and Amelia! Yay! xx

bluehydrangea said...

Patricia, congratulations to you and your daughter! I am training for an upcoming event and I have to tell you, it is kicking my fanny!!

Joyce said...

This is wonderful news Patricia- Congratulations to you and your daughter!!!! I just came online to find a recipe for fresh beets and saw your post- Yahoo.... Enjoy the rest of the day my friend. xo

DolceDreams said...

How incredible to do something like this with your daughter,

quintessence said...

Wow - I'm impressed - with both of your accomplishments! I am starting tomorrow on my new exercise initiative. Please send your good exercise karma my way.

Unknown said...

Fantastic! What a way to start the school year. I'm sure this is the first of many for both of you!

Emily said...

That's very impressive and please give your daughter my congratulations. You're not too bad either!!! Have a great rest of your labor day.

A Perfect Gray said...

fantastic, patricia. congrats to you both...

Carole said...

Congrats to both of you!

Stitchfork said...

woot! woot! woot!
Great race ladies!

Formerly known as Frau said...

congrats to both of you!!!

Cindy said...

Congrats!! xo

Gramercy Home said...

Congratulations to you and your daughter!

North of 25A said...

What a memory to run a winning race with your daughter - congratulations! The first race that I ever ran (when I ran, which was almost 20 years ago) was on Labor Day along the boardwalk in Long Beach. It was a day just like today; I remember starting to cry I was so grateful & it was so beautiful. Thank you for reminding me.

Privet and Holly said...

Congrats, Patricia!
My daughter and I
challenged ourselves
to a 5K two years ago.
We did it! I've since
switched to cycling,
but have always been
happy that I gave running
a try. Wonderful that
you both did it : ) !!
xx Suzanne

Marnie said...

well done - mother daughter team -

Moments and Impressions said...

great job and what a mother daughter moment to create... that will go the distance

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

Congratulations to you both! That's terrific:)

Anonymous said...

great inspiration :)

and ps. Congrats!

Purple Flowers said...

Congratulations to you and your daughter. I hope both of you wear smiles on your faces, and joy in your hearts!

LindsB said...

That is so great, what a fabulous way to spend the day together! Congrats on both the wins!!

deliciously organized said...

Congrats to you and your daughter! I'm sure it was a lovely run. You're truly an inspiration to get myself moving :)

Amy said...

Patricia, Congratulations to you and your daughter! We just ran our first triathlon earlier this summer and it is QUITE a feeling!! It's great you and your daughter can share this time and what a great experience! *Amy