Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Supper

When I was growing up in Kentucky, we would have Sunday Suppers at my Grandma's house. She would serve her home-made fried chicken and sides of mashed potatoes, green beans and salads. My Grandma never ate, she just cooked and enjoyed serving us.

I would love to have a local spot like this for Sunday Suppers. I think Grandma would approve.

Do you have Sunday Suppers with your family and friends?


Gretchen O. said...

I envy those that have made this a Sunday tradition...we do occasionally but it is definitely not something that we have managed to do all the time. Adding it to yet another list of things that we need to do. That restaurant looks YUMMY! --Gretchen O.

Debra said...

We always had Sunday afternoon dinner with my Mom and Dad. It was a very special ritual and steeped in precious memories.
When we had dinners with Gram, she never ate either.... she just made sure we were always well taken care of. So nice to rwemember this.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

If we are home, I usually cook a "Sunday Dinner". And of course, "meat and threes" are a treat down here.

Anonymous said...

When I was growing up we did. It makes for pleasant memories.

I think I should start a new tradition....


Unknown said...

Looks a wonderful place to "sup".
PVE, what happened to your RAW
Sunday suppers could be a new tradition to start.

Purple Flowers said...

Growing up we always had Sunday suppers. The aromas would waft out the back door, and I would secretly smile knowing that I would enjoy such yummy foods after playing w/the other kids. I am very grateful to have such wonderful memories.

Unknown said...

Love family routines like that...would start our own but we are consumed by soccer! What has our generation done to parenting...and why? OK, off my soapbox for now, Happy Sunday PVE!

Elizabeth said...

we don't have dinners every sunday, but we do gather around the table together a lot. this restaurant looks yummy!

paula said...

love the idea of Sunday suppers. My husbands a pastor so we don't see much of each other on Sunday's.

Dovecote Decor said...

I just had one recently. We made it simple: Antipasto platter: Tomatoes, Mozarella, cucumbers, avocados, artichokes, asperagas with flank steak and herb bread. We ate al fresco and had a ball. I like Sunday evenings for entertaining, but no one wanted to leave.

24 Corners said...

We are tonight...Beef Stroganoff! Would love to have them more often too, my Grandma always had Saturday dinners, every single weekend...I was to little to remember if she ate or not though, I'll have to find out. It was always a rotisseried meat or her special fried chicken and Rice a Roni, can't recall what else. She passed away when I was six but since we were over every weekend, I remember them and am so thankful she had them.

Moments and Impressions said...

when I was little and my grandparents were alive - we always had Sunday dinner there.

I hope that this will be something that we can make have with our daughter. Right now we have them about twice a month.

No matter what - we try to make Sunday a family day.

Ms. Bright said...

I knew you went to UC, but didn't realize you grew up in KY. Did I ever tell you I went to UK?
Anyway, I love the Sunday Dinner tradition. It continues for us with my Dearsweet's Mawmaw. She cooks for the whole family about 3 Sunday's per month and it's amazing.

And JCT is super great!! I miss that place!

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

Sunday suppers were great, except in our case it was Sunday dinners, right after church. I didn't live near my Grandparents for most of my life, but visiting in the summer was a treat. Finding a place with good southern home cooked food is a definite treat:)

Melissa Blake said...

How lucky you were!! My family always ate together, but we were usually watching Seinfeld! xoxo

The Buzz Blog said...

We had Sunday lunch after church when we were growing up - usually a roast and all the fixings. Now, we take the opportunity to sit down as a family and Sunday suppers are a must!

Unknown said...


We've had lots of Sunday dinners together as a family but not at our Grandparents home. They didn't live here in California (Spain & South America).

My Mom loved to cook and as a family of 5 Daughter's, 5 Son-in-laws, 1 Son and 1 Daughter-in-law and 2 grandchildren we have made the best of it. Now that our Mom had passed over this year we still get together ad much as possible on a couple of Sunday's a month.

It's great to share the love, memories, and food. Life is precious and family is priceless.

Happy Sunday!


quintessence said...

We always had family dinners growing up and I especially remember Sundays since we frequently had my favorite meals and like julielorusso, I looked forward to watching Disney afterwards. Now on family vacations we have lovely lingering family dinners with a big board game afterwards - usually Cranium - thank goodness we have the right number for even teams, although occasionally it's kids vs. parents - a challenging venue!

Jo said...

I grew up with big Sunday suppers and it became a tradition with my family as well. It's a time to look forward to each week. Now that my son is in college, they are a tad smaller but still served.


Mona Thompson Providence Ltd. said...

That made my heart skip a beat because I've been posting "Sunday Supper's" for quite some time now. Sunday evening has always been a time to either chill or invite people in very casually. That's where I got the idea to share a fun or easy recipe and tablescape on Sunday As Gretchen said, Sunday traditions are just the best. I may have to borrow this image. We're having asparagus pizza tonight, we would love to have you join us. Mona

Unknown said... would love it. We had our annual neighborhood picnic. The clown entertains the children, hot dogs, burgers for all...everyone brings a side or a dessert. A welcome return to fall! xo E

pve design said...

Thanks to each of you for your kind comments, how I wish we could meet one Sunday and have a pot luck Sunday Supper - it would be so much fun!
Barbara- Just to let you know I try to eat mostly raw, I am not all the way raw, but eating at least 70 percent raw and adding a bit of cooked items - as the weather changes.