
Thursday, July 08, 2010

memory trip

pve design, childhood photo standing at the Biltmore house, age 12
My Mom sent me an envelope full of photos of me as a child. Looking over them was a trip down memory lane. One of my favorite memories was visiting the Biltmore Mansion. Look at me, I am rather happy sporting my shift dress and shorts ensemble that I sewed. The back of the photo says "age 12." My look, a center part, pigtails along with preppy shifts, t's, shorts and sneakers. What a trip. I do remember wanting to live in a house like this.
Did you have trips that you remember as a child that made a lasting impression?

Travel at any age is child's play.
When was the last time you had an escape with an envelope of old memories?
Memory trips are so much fun.


  1. I love a thoughtful post

    And yes, I absolutely have a plethora of memorable trips taken in my youth. Two trips to Walt Disney World, for example, would be topmost in most childhood reminiscences, I'm sure, but they were just the capper to the privilege of seeing America at its most aureate

    I visited New York City several times, as well as Miami, Washington DC and Maryland. I also spent time in the South of France, Paris, Gstaad, Zermat and Geneva - the latter is fondly remembered due to my aunt's lovely home and a perniciously run summer school I attended at age 6. As a Ghanaian, I visited my family there yearly, and also peregrinated to Nigeria and Zimbabwe, where a safari trip in the latter nearly ended prematurely after my parents' jeep was nearly upended by a skittish rhino

    All best from me at Mode Parade,


  2. Barima- Mode Parade, A plethora of pernicious peregrinates -you have been served on your pretty plate of life.
    Bless that rhino for being skittish.

  3. Lucky you! I didn't get to Biltmore until I was 32 and pregnant with my daughter. It was a very happy time in my life and I'll always associate that trip with that happiness. Some of the trips that made a big impression on me as a child were visiting Williamsburg, VA, NYC and in my senior year of high school, London, my ultimate dream at the time! Thanks for the memories and thank you for stopping by P&H and leaving your sweet comment! xx Suzanne

  4. That is such a sweet picture of you! I remember a trip that I took with my parents into the Atlantic Ocean where they learned to sail a yacht. The boat didn't have showers so when we were ready for a bath, we anchored the boat, lathered with dish soap, and dove in. We also anchored and rowed in dinghies to private islands and explored. What an adventure it was as for us all.


  5. I remember going to Williamsburg, VA and to D.C. You were (are) gorgeous! Reminds me of Marsha from the Brady Bunch (who I wanted to BE when I was young!) :)

  6. I do and you look so cute in that picture.

  7. Love seeing that photo! I loved seeing Biltmore 3 years ago (time flies!)
    We traveled a lot when I was a child and I think it's just SO important! I remember disneyland at age 4, nyc around 6ish and moving to Stockholm at age 7 and all of the european travel we did as if it were yesterday. I might not always remember the 'scenery' but I remember snacks often! LOL

  8. Suzanne-
    Trips and children have a way of marking time and memories into a series of before and after's - I like happily ever after endings.

    I would love one day to have a little cottage with one of those outdoor showers! I can see you now on that boat and sudsing yourself up!
    Cute story!

    ha ha, The Brady Mom needed a bus like Mrs.Brady for all 7 of us!

    It is fun to old photos of friends, right?

    Architect Des-
    snacks, oh indeed, I remember having doughnuts and thinking that I could live on them, and fresh juice. We never had that at home, it was considered too much sugar and not good for you.
    Why did I not invent dunkin doughnuts?

  9. That pictures brings back so many memories. I have many just like it with my older sister standing next to me in a matching dress. And you sewed that yourself? You're good!!

  10. I remember a photo of me on a family trip to Disney Land when I was seventeen. I was so undone that I had to take a family trip when I was obviously so grown and too big for such foolishness. My arrogance pretty much jumps off the page at me in that photo: purple polo shirt, striped skort, and espadrilles, with a purse over my shoulder - at Disney! So silly of me!

    On another note: We lived 30 miles from the Biltmore for eight years and never set foot inside it. We always figured we had plenty of time to see it, and then, before we knew it, we were moving on.

  11. Blue H-
    shopping for fabric today in my fabric bin for my girl, plans to sew with her.

    oh, no, now you have to make a trip there -
    I just remember thinking it was "grand!"

  12. What a sweet photograph of you and I just love that you made that dress yourself! My favorite childhood trips were by far, going up to the lake. My parents would rent these beautiful cabins and I loved spending time on the dock morning, noon and night. I also loved 'decorating' (in my mind) the different cabins they rented.

  13. Ah, I love the Biltmore! We went there a few years ago during the Christmas season and it was gorgeous. One of my favorite family travel memories was a trip to Florida - good times all around.

  14. Boy do I ever have memories. Although not elaborate holidays they were memorable. In fact wrote a post several days ago about just that. I look back & think how luck I was to have such a loving family. Those photos now mean the world.

    Such fun Patricia to see you as a 12 yr. old. You were adorable & already sewing your own clothes is so great! Sounds to me like you have many memories to hold dear too? x

  15. One that stands out for me was renting a cottage on Chincoteague Island so I could see the wild ponies and go to the beach...lifelong obsessions!

  16. What a very cute 12 year old you were! The dress is adorable, do you still have it?

    I grew up in California so trips to Disneyland are a very strong memory for me, but the ones that tug at my heart the most are the yearly trips we took to Carmel every summer. I was enchanted by that place...even more than from Sleeping Beauty's castle.

    Haven't been to the Biltmore's high on my list though, as are all the grand old American "palaces" we are so fortunate to have access too.
    One day! J~

  17. That's a sweet photograph of you. Lovely that you made your own outfit too.

    Many of my childhood trips were to North Wales as that was the nearest bit of coast to the city we lived in. Also my Grandma lived there. She used to take care of me and two of my brothers sometimes.

    Not sure how we survived some of the car journeys we went on with her - no seat belts and she hadn't ever taken a driving test! Screeching round hairpin bends always got us giggling in the back of her old Triumph Herald. She did make a delicious old fashioned picnic though - always a thermos flask with tea and some kind of fruit cake to keep us going on long walks.

    I agree - memory trips are great fun.

    Best wishes and enjoy sewing,


  18. This hit home with me! Last weekend my mom and I were living our family trip to the Biltmore when I was a sophomore in high school. We had so much fun - it looks like you did too!

  19. Whoops - I should have said "reliving" our trip. I think I need more caffine this morning!

  20. I have the best memories walking through the Biltmore gardens as kid with my family & granparents. My grandma dressed her & her husband in matching red & white striped outfits.... and someone stopped and asked if they were there for a barber shop convention. We still laugh about that!

  21. Love the photo of you, Patricia! You still look the same - perfectly turned out and lady-like. I also visited Biltmore, but it was during the crowded Christmas season and me and my date got trapped in the basement maze and couldn't find the way out and were about to go crazy! Have a great weekend. xo

  22. First of all, you were even stylish at age 12. :-)

    There's a place upstate NY you might know called Olana Castle. I used to loooovvveee going there as a kid and would walk through thinking what it be like to live in a castle (and also would think about where I would place the furniture if it were my place. ;-) I haven't been there probably since junior high and just recently mentioned to my mom I'd like to go back to recreate the magic.
