
Wednesday, July 07, 2010

sunflower cafe

On a recent trip to the farmer's market, I heard a whisper inside my head, nudging me to buy a lovely bunch of sunflowers. It happened to be the same voice that told me to garnish with raw sunflower seeds.
Did you know that the actual seed of the sunflower or the "kernel" is actually the fruit of the flower and the seed has many healthy benefits.
Well, the squirrels know and love sunflowers and they invited themselves onto my screened in porch. Needless to say, they went nuts. A severe case of the munchies!
I am now calling my porch "Sunflower Cafe." While lost in etsy, I found the above photo and charm by nature, a virtual sunflower cafe right inside of a re-cycled bottle cap.

What sorts of flowers or seeds are you adding to your very own "cafe" for nourishment?

top image -van Gogh, middle and bottom images found on etsy


  1. Love sunflowers too. Those little fellows can be pesky varmits at times! We are always shoooing them away around here. They use my rooftop as a launch pad and run up and down my trees.

  2. Love sunflower seeds sprinkled on my oatmeal or yogurt.
    Have a good one!

  3. La Maison Fou-
    My Grandmother loathed squirrels, they would do such damage to her flowerbeds and garden.
    I never knew what destruction they could do, all for the sake of a sunflower seed!

  4. Barbara,
    I am adding sunflower oil to my grocery list and will think of you when I sprinkle some seeds on my salad today!
    stay cool~

  5. 'the squirrels went nuts' is just too precious! I love to eat the toasted seeds. In general nuts helped me lose ten lbs a couple of years ago. whenever i was getting hungry, a handful kept me satisfied for hours.

  6. Sunflowers just scream "happy!" Hope your day is filled with happiness!!

  7. sounds as if you're making lemonade out of the lemons those squirrels are trying to hand you...

    happy day!

  8. I thought that top picture was van Gogh. I always put sunflower seeds in my bird feeders. I think I attract more squirrels than birds sometimes. Carla

  9. In track and soccer - we ate bags and bags of sunflower seeds. Our coaches believed the salt made us drink and retain more water = less dehydration. It also gave us something to do - learn how to eat and spit out the shells! Thanks for that reminder.

    I love that you renamed your porch! That is great!

  10. I actually like squirrels. I know they can cause destruction. I like watching them at play/work. But last week had to have the cable guy out. Seems squirrels had nibbled through the wiring causing our cable reception to go on random. I think the squirrels nibbled out the stations deemed worthless...or more nutritious.

  11. Love sunflowers! Such happy flowers. xoxo

  12. For Father's Day I gave my husband a "squirrel proof" bird feeder which he exchanged for a simpler feeder that actually seems to attract squirrels. I think the birds on our deck are having a hard time getting lunch.

  13. I love sunflowers in the summer- they are just so bright and cheerful! Their seeds are tasty too, I love them in my salads.

  14. So yummy sunflowers. I had seen enormous ones last late summer at Wave Hill!
    My kids eat them by the pound!
    See you tomorrow!


  15. I love sunflowers and have an oil painting my grandmother painted in my home. They always remind me of her.

