
Friday, July 09, 2010

label me

hop over here to see my list of top 12
and then come back.
I was so impressed by a client I recently worked with. She told me that she loved high end designer labels but she also loved no-nonsense labels. You know what I am talking about, just labels that clearly state what is inside.
How handy is this Housekeepers box?
Matches at the ready.

Kindling ready for a fire to take the chill out of that first fall blast of air.
Hard to imagine a fire after a blazing week of high temps.

How about a "cutlery" box at the ready?

What would your labels say all about you?
Check out the all about you site over here.


  1. Yesterday i found this amazing label with the words " Make Mistakes"

  2. M.A.-
    Oh, yes, we should all have an in-box to allow for mistakes, that means we are taking risks and not afraid to learn. My Mistakes file needs a label and I would not be afraid to spell it like this, "Do over"

  3. I love those kind of labels. I have a few like that in my house and my favorite one is "junk", basically a blanket label for all those things that dont have a home :)

  4. I'm a fan of the no nonsense labels myself! I mean -i LOVE the labeling on Kiehl's products because they're graphic, no nonsense and you know whats in the bottle immediately. That said -it's a 'high end' product thats a joy to use!

  5. i loved your list of twelve...pondering my own...

    happy friday!

  6. Wonderful post at Domestic Ease! I think I'd have quite a few labels. "Do Now" would be one then "Read Me" and "Write Me" too.

  7. I'm not sure what my labels would say. Lately, I think it would be procrastinator! Carla

  8. Definitely chic, especially the bucket, reminds me of a sand pale.

  9. Hi,
    Thanks for stopping by my parade at La Dolfina! It's so nice to meet you.
    It's wonderful to find a new blog. I look forward to following...
    I'm a big fan labeling. These products are great!
    Have a wonderful weekend... I'll be back soon :)

  10. I love labeled items, bread boxes and so on! Just the thing to put into my files to remember!
    Now I label suitcases and stuff....


  11. One of my favorite labels is "miscellaneous" which often turns into "surprise" - wonderful picture of you, Patricia at Domestic Ease.
    Wishing you a great weekend!

  12. I love the labels! I used to think it was bad somehow to label my stuff, but I've started labeling a few things now and it certainly helps. Thanks for visiting my site, I'm enjoying yours so far. I would love to write for you sometime, let me know if you have any topics in mind and I'll try to think of some. Cheers!

