
Friday, January 15, 2010

Give now

In the wake of the recent magnitude earthquake in Haiti, Charlotte Moss is encouraging those in the design world to act now to help those in need. Over half of Haiti's population is under age 18 and the mother in me yearns to be there to hold and help these precious young ones. Moss herself has pledged ten thousand dollars to aid in the relief effort and she is hoping that her gift will be matched and even exceeded by those in the design community. Please follow this link to Unicef where you can make your donation and learn more. I also ask you, if you are a person of prayer, to pray, pray, pray for the Haitian people who are experiencing such devastation


  1. It is absolutely beyond comprehension what those people are going through. They certainly are in our prayers!

  2. I donated to UNICEF this morning. So glad to hear what Charlotte Moss is doing. I hope many others in her position follow suit.

  3. I gave to the Red Cross. It was really hard to get through online (which is a good sign), but persistance pays off.

  4. Love that you posted this, thank you!
    Happy weekend.

  5. Ditto on the Red Cross. Not doing something is simply not an option.

  6. I am fortunate enough to do both...XXOO

  7. i am praying for them all daily... my heart breaks for them.. and for all those struggling to get thru to help them... xx pam

  8. Very thoughtful post. Sending hope, prayer and money. The people of Haiti need our help.

    Please drop by my blog when you can. I am making a Haiti Relief Donation based on the # of comments from readers and bloggers.


  9. Yes we have already given a couple of times on our own and through G's work. Oh my friend I am not a mom and I yearn to hold and help. Many hugs... xo
