
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Majestic Emerald Cottage

pve design illustration of the majestic emerald cottage - note cards available for purchase on etsy
This majestic emerald cottage was illustrated as a thank-you to this majestic lady who has a way with interiors as well as a love for architecture. She was so kind to provide me with some assistance in reviewing plans for an addition to my home. In turn, I illustrated this for her to give as a gift. As you can imagine how excited I was to capture this beautiful home the minute that I opened up this photo below.
To make a house a home, it takes countless hours of careful planning and attention to detail inside and out. Does the exterior of your home reflect the interior?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

brush up on

Certain phrases speak to me for example, "brush up on" which literally means
"to improve one's previously good knowledge of a skill or a particular thing."
Excuse me while I go "brush up on" some of my work. My brush is up with wet paint and a pile of work to finish with holiday deadlines to meet and no elves at my beckon call.
Promise to be back in a jiffy with lots of pretties to share.

credit for images at top and bottom image from sadie olive, middle image from artist Jeremiah Goodman

Friday, November 27, 2009


I love gathering greenery and filling containers. Branches, pine-cones, magnolia leaves and lights are a lovely way to begin the holiday season without trying too hard. Plus, the added bonus of the smell is wonderful too. What are you busy gathering?

holiday haberdasheries

These wonderful canine's are set for a happy and healthy holiday.
Hudson, Hadley and Hamilton are ready to herald in the holidays spreading plenty of cheer wherever they go. I wonder if Santa will remember to bring these decked out dogs some treats under the tree. Does Santa bring treats for your four legged friends? It seems this year it is all about "puttin on the dog!"

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Time for turkey

Two years ago, we went to celebrate Thanksgiving in France with my in-laws and turkeys are hard to come by. They are expensive in France too and the size of one's oven also plays an important factor. The ovens in most French homes are small. Sort of like smart cars as a visual.
Growing up one of seven, this classic Norman Rockwell image takes me back to a time when it really was all about the Turkey. I guess in many respects for some folks it still is all about the turkey and the time we share enjoying one another. Is it about time to talk turkey at your table? Oh, just a reminder, say a little grace, give thanks and cherish those that prepared the bountiful feast set before you. If you are the host, then pat yourself on the back and enjoy your day.
Images from illustrator Norman Rockwell, museum is located in Stockbridge Mass.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

thanks a million

pve design artwork for the New York Winter Antiques Show via The Memorial Sloane Kettering Cancer Society circa 1990's.
Today, I am feeling rather Thankful. As we are about to begin the season, with a day of Thanks followed by the hectic Holidays. To do, "shopping, wrapping, giving, socializing, checking one's lists"- check them twice! Know that the smallest most random act of kindness will be appreciated to those in need, even the one who you think has "everything." Give from the heart, a hug, a kiss, a greeting to show your thanks, a letter, a card, a thought. This year, challenging economic times remind us to dig deep, to support a cause and to remind us to never stop to give gratitude.
Thanks a million to each of you. I wish each and everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

beautiful delftware

Beautiful "Blue and white Things" collected and arranged, on note-card, art by pve design, gouache
orignal artwork circa 2007 gifted to Anna Spiro
This work of art (c.2007) was inspired by the lovely collection from "Absolutely Beautiful Things." Anna's mother collects blue and white delftware, chinoiserie boxes, cache pots and pretty pillows, all gathered in a setting to happily co-exist. Blue and white always looks like a happy family in a room.
Note-cards of this image have been added to my etsy shop. My shop is open. Come visit!
I love collections, how about you?

Monday, November 23, 2009


pve design personal photo collection - homes nearby
Imagine yourself celebrating in this home. I pass this home several times a week and admire the colors, the red and the tiffany blue door and trim. I often wonder what it might look like inside. I think one day, I may just have to invite myself in, or better yet, perhaps I will do an illustration for a tour. You can imagine how many homes I have collected, imagined and illustrated. I guess with Thanksgiving this week, I think of those less fortunate or those away from home. Blame it on my vivid imagination. You know how I love houses.

Congrats to Alison of The Acorn Cottage, she won the amy butler pattern giveaway.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

oh amy (pattern giveaway)

Oh Amy, you really have the best patterns, and lucky me, has another give-away! This is the "Madison Bags" - This pattern has a trio of patterns, one for the Uptown Handbag, the next for the Downtown Purse or Clutch and then for a groovy fabric flower.
I can think of many of you crafty divas that would just love to have this for holiday crafting and giving. Leave me a comment to enter and a winner will be announced bright and early on monday. Don't you just love that Amy. She has the best patterns and prints too!

Friday, November 20, 2009

fast lane

My daughter loves life in the fast lane. Last summer, she took a course in "Grand Prix" driving and loved it.

Here she is waiting her turn all suited up.
She loved the fact that she was incognito and felt like "one of the boys."

She loved coming in First Place too. How about you, do you like life in the fast lane?
I feel like life goes pretty fast around here, so I am all about living in the moment or trying to slow things down, just a little.
Happy weekend to each of you!
Drive Safe!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

picture perfect

I just love this image. A picture perfect morning. A circa Dorothy Draper Interior for the Greenbrier. I would love a little weekend escape there.

Picture this, my daughter would be jumping on the bed and my dog would have absconded with all the room service bacon. My teen sons would still be looking for shut eye in the adjoining room. Dorothy Draper really did know how to add a ray of golden sun and a dollop of cream to a room. I am in love with these footstools at the foot of the beds. Hope you are having a picture perfect morning? Care to share your morning picture?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

note-worthy wishes

One of my most favorite illustrations which is titled, "Green Thumb Florist" is now available for purchase in the form of a nice note, on etsy in my "pve shop." These notes are perfect for teacher's gifts, stocking stuffers or for your own stationary supply. Inside, the card is left blank for your personal penmanship. I love small little florists to pick up a bunch of greenery or a bunch of flowers.
If you are wishing that you had a set of these, hop on over here at "Wishing True" -
Thanks Kate for spreading the word and your kind wishes!

Thanks to my very first sponsor

It is my pleasure to announce my very first sponsor, J.McLaughlin.

one of the very first illustrations of the Madison Avenue location
My affiliation with J.McLaughlin began way back when they had three shops in New York. Today, they have 4o stores in 15 states. Please take a moment to look at some of the wonderful items on their site or check to see if there is a location near you. Bright happy colors, fun festive prints and classic styling with a twist for men and women. I love looking back at some of the designs and artwork that I have done over the years. Good quality and good design always stand the test of time.
I am so appreciative of all the work as well as their being my first sponsor!
As an artist, running my own business as well as raising a family is a balance. I like knowing that there are companies who applaud small businesses and I look forward to partnering with other sponsors. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor (informal angel), kindly contact me for details.
Excuse me while I ponder the merits of this wonderfully scrumptious silk fleece shawl for holiday giving....
see below and for your self on line at J.McLaughlin.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I spy red

I spy red. Double doors painted in red. A red bench and a red mail box all seem to be getting along rather nicely. I have always welcomed the color red during the onset of the holidays. Red bows begin to pop up and they make me smile. What other things do you see in this photo that are red?

{By the way, Congrats to the winner (blogger) "Maggies Secret Garden" - she was randomly selected via random number generator to win the Amy Butler design pattern for a lap-top cover and a mp3 case.}
Enjoy sewing that and show us when you are ready!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

pattern give-away!

Thanks to Amy Butler, another pattern give-away today! How sweet is that laptop cover and mp3 case? I think this would make a great gift for a student. Check out Amy's fabulous fabrics and happy sewing to the winner. All you need to do is leave me a comment here, now. The winner will be announced on monday morning.

Friday, November 13, 2009

stone barns

Last friday, I had the pleasure of a little jaunt to Stone Barns with Kelsey from "Naptime Chef" along with her two year old daughter. (Blue Hill Farm is a short trip from New York City and very child friendly!)

It is always great fun to meet and connect face to face with other women who blog. I admire Kelsey for her positive energy and that she is teaching her daughter the importance of good food. We enjoyed a bite of "organic" food from the cafe, where we spotted chef Dan Barber. We ate our food outside. It was a crisp fall day. Afterwards we took a little walk down to see the chickens. Wishing each of you a fabulous fall friday the 13th and wonderful weekend.

The Watercolor Girls

pve design watercolor - beach girl blues
I am quite honored today to be included as one of "The Watercolor Girls" over here.
Thank-you so much for your kindness.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Meet Sandy

Meet Sandy the dog. A recent commission done of this lovable funny dog. The owner told me that she is extremely friendly and outgoing, loves to play, run and roll around in the grass, find any puddle or any hole to dig! Given that her coat is white, one can imagine a dirt covered dog, not a pretty picture. Her favorite toy is "ducky" which is a stuffed mallard that she loves to run after and fetch. When not in motion, Sandy can very often be found sleeping on the cool tile floors in the kitchen. I love getting to know my subjects. Who would not love this adorable dog?


Here is a recent illustration that I did in full color.
What a unique look transformed in shades of "sepia." Somehow I love the "oomph" that the color brings but the sepia tones are have an old world allure. Love your thoughts? Which one do you think has more oomph?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

Today, my heart goes out to all war veterans and their families.
Take a moment today and honor those who have served and those who stand proudly for our country.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

little acorn hats

"Great oaks from little acorns grow"
It is that time of year, the little acorns seem good and plenty here which means that we are in for a cold winter. Outside my window, there are many squirrels gathering little acorns. Inside, I liken myself to squirrels, gathering too. I illustrate, I knit, I needlepoint, I cook, I clean, I paint and all of it makes me supremely happy. New pens, paints, yarns are the little acorns that can grow into great things. I knit these little hats and big ones too. Most often quip, "When do you find the time?"
Well, my hands are never idle. I am that squirrel you see, always running, doing and making the best use of my time. What sort of little acorns are you gathering?

Monday, November 09, 2009

pve shop - now open

At last, my little "pve design" shop is open in etsy and ready for business. There are just a few items and I am in hopes to build on this slowly. Many of you have asked me for this for some time now and I am so appreciative of your interest. Happy Shopping! I look forward to your feedback. Here is a blank spiral bound note-book...perfect for jotting notes or for doodling.

tickling the ivories

pve design - client living room commission
I learned to play piano in third grade from Mrs.Hufnagel. I would cut through a neighbors yard which would lead me to her house for my weekly lesson. When I was reminded to practice, my mother would gently tell me to go and "tickle the ivories." Somehow it made it more fun knowing that there was tickling involved. I am tickled to sponsor this gal over here today. Do you have any hobbies that tickle your fancy?

Sunday, November 08, 2009

early morning

The early morning light is the most wonderful light. Ushering in a leisurely morning walk, the warmth of the golden light, a fresh start to the day. I have always been an early riser and now that it is dark by five o'clock, I become anxious for the morning light to rise.
Are you an early morning person or a night owl?

Saturday, November 07, 2009


Hans Wegner modern "Wishbone" Chair
Never too many chairs especially since Thanks-giving day is coming. One ritual we always had was to make a wish with the "wish-bone" and my secret wish would be to have this Hans Wegner chair in white or this fabulous shade of blue. Care to share your wish here?
Wishing each of you a wonderful weekend!

Friday, November 06, 2009

beau parlor

pve design artwork, created for Eddie Ross for Rooms with a view ~ "The after"
When I first moved to New York City, I was on an internship and needed a spot to live that would be 1. affordable as well as 2. clean. I lived at the "Webster" on 34th street which was both. For a mere $74 dollars a week, I had my own room and 3 squares a day. At breakfast I could pack up my lunch which would be a boiled egg, a yogurt and some fruit. Buffet style suited me just fine. Whenever a suitor would call, they were not allowed upstairs, only in these rooms which were referred to as "Beau Parlors" - I remember showing my then boyfriend (now husband) my art portfolio.
The charming Eddie Ross and I - at the Southport "Rooms with a view 2009"
The above sketch was created for Eddie Ross. I was ecstatic when he called me a few months ago to take this project on for the Southport "Rooms with a view." Eddie had a unique idea to show the room compiled of gorgeous items all in a state of "before" and my artwork is hung to show the "after!" The humble beginning of a room is quite like falling in love.
Thank-you Eddie for including me in this wonderful collaboration. Thank you Victoria for joining me in another car ride, you are excellent company. I cherish our chats on design, inspiration, creating and balancing family life, we have a total of 7 children (I have three and Victoria has four) so there are always great stories. Meeting and sharing with other bloggers is such a terrific experience.

Eddie Ross and I at the "Southport Rooms with a view 2009"
Thanks to Larson-Juhl for the exquisite framing

Thursday, November 05, 2009

chick lit

Each week, I make my trek to the local library and nearby "Second Hand" shop to see what might peak my inner chic. I found these wonderful lamps that I immediately thought of her.
So, I rang her and told her that I thought of her and she said, oh, yes, send them my way.
I can only imagine the chic shade that will be added to top off these little gems. The base would be lovely painted a high gloss blue or orange. They would be sweet on a book shelf or a slim entry table. Albert Hadley thinks that overhead lighting is a "tragedy." I would have to agree that small lamps are so chic.

I brought them home, cleaned them up and the will soon be here.

faux real

Can you imagine these are "faux" real?
My son came home with a bunch of friends and one boy asked if the fruit was "for real?"
My son replied, no, we eat faux fruit here, it is much tastier and never goes bad.
Gotta love teens!
Love to win these sunny silk "faux fleurs" to add to my kitchen.
They are created by these lovely ladies which this...

blogger posted so graciously posted about. Sophie Dahy is going to select a winner and you can select your favorite bunch with $300 to spend. How good is that?
Welcome to my kitchen which is a popular spot for our family as well as bunches of sunny flowers and friends. The cabinets are original, the floor is a silver laminate and the walls are bright green. A complete renovation is on the calendar for Spring 2010.
I plan to post all about it as it has been a long process to get to this point and all seems truly not "for real."