
Friday, November 06, 2009

beau parlor

pve design artwork, created for Eddie Ross for Rooms with a view ~ "The after"
When I first moved to New York City, I was on an internship and needed a spot to live that would be 1. affordable as well as 2. clean. I lived at the "Webster" on 34th street which was both. For a mere $74 dollars a week, I had my own room and 3 squares a day. At breakfast I could pack up my lunch which would be a boiled egg, a yogurt and some fruit. Buffet style suited me just fine. Whenever a suitor would call, they were not allowed upstairs, only in these rooms which were referred to as "Beau Parlors" - I remember showing my then boyfriend (now husband) my art portfolio.
The charming Eddie Ross and I - at the Southport "Rooms with a view 2009"
The above sketch was created for Eddie Ross. I was ecstatic when he called me a few months ago to take this project on for the Southport "Rooms with a view." Eddie had a unique idea to show the room compiled of gorgeous items all in a state of "before" and my artwork is hung to show the "after!" The humble beginning of a room is quite like falling in love.
Thank-you Eddie for including me in this wonderful collaboration. Thank you Victoria for joining me in another car ride, you are excellent company. I cherish our chats on design, inspiration, creating and balancing family life, we have a total of 7 children (I have three and Victoria has four) so there are always great stories. Meeting and sharing with other bloggers is such a terrific experience.

Eddie Ross and I at the "Southport Rooms with a view 2009"
Thanks to Larson-Juhl for the exquisite framing


  1. Your illustration is fabulous Patricia~ What a wonderful evening. How nice that you and Victoria could share this event. Eddie looks his charming self.

  2. What a wonderful evening and your illustration of the Beau Rooms is gorgeous. Loved reading the story behind the room,

  3. What a great story and a sweet room...your work is fantastic! Happy Friday! xx

  4. It looks beautiful all framed up! And so do you, Victoria and Eddie. Big congrats.

  5. Patricia - your illustration is beautiful and you look so very elegant. A well deserved congratulations to you once again!

  6. Style Chronicle-
    Thanks for your fashion consult, I was comfortable which is always an added bonus!

  7. Today will work out after all - see you stone barns today at 1030!

  8. I have heard about this project from Eddie, it came out fabulous.

  9. Congratulations Patricia, how exciting. Yyour illustration of the parlor is beautiful & a fun story. I would think Eddie would be a fun character to meet & chat with? He is insanely talented. Happy weekend to you ~

  10. What a wonderful event. Funny I was going to as you if your attending Rooms With A View. Not knowing you were in the event! Congratulations! Your illustration of the Beau Room is so beautiful. Wonderful story about Webster House, just read an article on it in the New York Times. Great Photo's with Eddie Ross.

  11. chic coles-
    I linked the article from the NY Times, what a coincidence that this article was just in the Times!
    I loved it! Thanks for the head's up!

  12. A wonderful illustration. Love the red. I enjoyed reading about Webster and the beau parlor. Ooh my friend the stories you have I could sit by the fire at the base of your feet listening to them all never getting tired.
    Have a golden weekend! xoxo
    PS Are you sure you don't want me to drive you next time?! xo

  13. Beautiful illustration, I have also used Larson Juhl framing many times. Eddie, what can I say....I would love to be at event with both of you!

  14. From the first time he mentioned it, I could not wait to see your realization of Eddie's vision of the room. I love it. No surprise.

  15. Wow how exciting! The illustrations are great, and your pic with eddie is fab!

  16. Love that chic illustration!! Eddie looks like such a friendly and happy guy.

  17. Beautiful drawing!! glad you had a fun night!

  18. gorgeous illustration - clever you!

  19. Patricia,
    it has been such a delightful evening, it was great to spend time with Eddie and you and to see a few of his favorite things at ROOMS with a VIEW...among them your magnificent renderings of his room to be!!!


  20. you are so famous! wow.
    love your beautiful creativity...and hearing about our first place. :)

  21. Patricia!

    How can we ever thank you! Your talents and generosity of spirit are such an inspiration, and we're thrilled for the collaboration. Thing is...I WISH the room looked like this! Looking forward to working together again soon! Again, THANK YOU!!!!

    Eddie + Jaithan

  22. Now I am envious that you and victoria know each other. Both of you have such nice blogs and I enjoy the way you each share a bit of your work and lives.
    Eddie Ross is all the richer for including you.

  23. Such a lovely story...

    You look GREAT on camera, so classy and pretty.

  24. I love your illustration and just thought the story was great!

    Fab pictures of you, Eddie looks a character!

  25. How fun Patricia-

    Congratulations, what a great pairing- you and Eddie.

    The painting is just fantastic!!!

  26. congratulations Patricia and your painting is just beautiful

  27. What a sweet story of a beautiful room - then and now. I love your illustration. What a fun project with talent galore!

  28. BEAUTIFUL. This is by far my favorite of your pieces that I've seen. The style is both formal and whimsical and the colors are beautiful! Congrats on the showing and collaboration - well deserved.

  29. BEAUTIFUL. This is by far my favorite of your pieces that I've seen. The style is both formal and whimsical and the colors are beautiful! Congrats on the showing and collaboration - well deserved.

  30. looks lovely - i wish i could get to southport this weekend but i am doing a show in far hills nj - lots to tell you about that - will send message

  31. Fabulous, Patricia! You did such a beautiful job. I can feel the room. And I love the story that goes with it! I lived at the Royalton for a little while, pre-renovation, obviously ;)

  32. Great to see two talented friends in the same post! Luv the picture of the belle and the beau. Plus the art is gorgeous, as always.

  33. That is an incredible illustration. And..."Beau Parlors." I couldn't love that more! :-)

    Congratulations on being part of such a fabulous collaboration!

  34. Like I'm fond of saying, illustrator to the Bloggeratti...XXOO
