
Monday, August 31, 2009

one's laurels

After a weekend of resting on "one's laurels"- it is now Monday and time to get back to the fun games of work.
(The bay laurel was used in the wreaths of the Ancient Greek games?)

Did you know that the "Bay Laurel" is the herb of 2009, according the "Herb Home Companion" which is pictured above. The bay leaf is useful in cooking not only for flavor but for medicinal purposes too.

Imagine, naming yourself after one of your favorite trees, such as this artist.
I found this wonderful vintage book while I was up in the catskills.
This book reminded me of a mural I painted for my hippie sister Liz when I was in college.
(quite frankly it reminded me of a shampoo I loved too)
If you were going to rest on your laurels and name yourself after a tree, tell me, which tree would you be?

Friday, August 28, 2009

just great

Wikepedia, Great wall of China
Ever think about the Great Wall of China, what if they just gave up, called it a day, and said, ok, "Good enough" - What distinguishes the great from the good? How do you keep on going, working, persevering towards something more than just "good" enough, but just great!

The Great Wall of China
Do you live with a good enough or just great outlook! I am going to give this "just great" outlook a try this weekend....headed up to the Catskills, (not China.)

just now

Flickr - photo by annapar
There is no other time like just now.

Quote by Mark Twain
If you are at a standstill, stuck just now, then this is the time to explore, to dream and to discover what you want. What steps are necessary in order to achieve your dreams? Is there a class or can you teach yourself? Learning should never cease, and making time to feel the energy and passion come alive can be one part scary and one part exhilarating.

Take time to listen, just now and to not be afraid to that little voice of fear. Control your destiny - just now, this once. Are you ready, just now and for what?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

just in time

pve design -original water colour ( for sale)
Just in time to throw a Summer soiree to celebrate the end of Summer or the beginning of a new Season. Sundresses, Halter tops, linen shifts, chunky accessories and a perfect setting for a swell party. Enjoy these last bits of Summer while there is still time.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

just about

photo montage - image from "So about what I said"
Meet Melissa B. over at "So About What I Said", please hop on over as she has tons of interesting posts, focusing on just about anything. I admire the way she accentuates flaws and imperfections and seemingly makes them beautiful. Suddenly, the awkward is easy as she lives with a disability. She is a gifted writer and is has nearly 1500 followers.

{ So About What I Said is a fast-growing blog in a very unique niche. Its readership is strong and growing. It received more than 10,000 hits in its first 6 months and receives approximately 7,000 hits/month with many unique visitors plus almost 1,431 subscribers on Google's FriendConnect and 61 subscribers on Feedburner. }

Melissa contacted me to see if I might want to be part of a being a sponsor and or a "give-away" and I have 1o lovely 5 x 7 note-cards with my artwork (and envelopes) for the winner....I had the pleasure of speaking with Melissa and she is just about one of the neatest gals around. I know you will enjoy her writing and admire her tenacity. Leave Melissa a comment, just about whatever you want to say!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

just like that

The Sartorialist - "pretty biker"
I love everything about this fair maiden. In my heart, I want to ride a bike sporting a pretty little frock (just like that). Underneath, I think I would need to wear some sort of short so that when the wind proceeds to lift my dress, my modesty would feel no shame.

Truth is, that the worst accidents that I have experienced have in fact been riding a bike, once in 3rd grade and the other in college and both ended with many stitches and tears. Just like that, I was riding along and just like that, I fell - never realizing how it could have happened so quickly. My lesson, was to get back up, get on the bike and ride, just like that, in a pretty frock, dangly earrings, and metallic leather ballet flats.

Monday, August 24, 2009

just right

pve design illustration of a "just right" potting shed 2009
When I began this blog, my intent was a "just the right" sort of spot for me to post my thoughts, my art as well as many other countless objectives, too numerous to list. Whilst this has been a wonderful journey to post, to motivate, to inspire, I never imagined the overwhelming support from my readers - and to you I am forever grateful. With each post, the comments, the e-mails, the fan mail and the goodness that you share with me, takes me to such a warm and cozy place. Each of you give me such inspiration, motivation, support, and encouragement. As an artist, some things come just right, and other things take time to get to the just right spot. I do feel a bit like Goldilocks, some posts feel too small and others too big, but your comments are always just right.

I thank each of you for your "just right" comments and knowing that perhaps I have inspired something in each of you to create, design, and live an artful life. Wishing you a "just right" kind of Monday!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

sea breeze

Wishing each of you a light breeze, warm waters and wings to spread and to soar. Take flight, enjoy this day. My photo reminded me of one of my favorite books below.
What books remind you of Summer?

Friday, August 21, 2009

lazy summer days

I often think of "The Lil' Rascals" and how they just seemed to roam through life with one another and without a schedule or a camp to keep them busy. There is something about having structured time and then having time to enjoy the "lazy days of summer." Letting a bit of boredom in can pose a challenge as we seem to be programmed to be productive.

As a child my mother never allowed for any of us to be bored. She instead found numerous ways for all seven of us to find our own unique "gifts." Be it through an organized program or simply the family business, we began working or crafting at a young age. I attended art camps and classes, dance classes, ceramic classes. I was able to learn a myriad of mediums and art has always provided me with lots to do to challenge myself.

Summer swimming has ended for my daughter, now she is currently attending the Summer Arts Workshop, offered by the RiverArts, Rivertowns Arts Council. It is a wonderful program offering a series of multi-disciplinary workshops for those who have a keen interest in the visual as well as the performing arts.

My sons are attending an boot camp here for preparing to take the S.A.T. Test which they seem to be enjoying. On Saturday, they will have a test to see how they perform as well as give indicators to weaknesses as well as strengths.

What are your thoughts, how do you balance your day or your children's day to be one part productive and one part lazy? You have my permission to enjoy a lazy summer day.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

hens deliver

I am so in love with these floppy flowers, emersonmade.

Yes, it is true, roosters crow and hens deliver. I'll bet my hand on this pretty little hen and count my chickens to have my very own emersonmade flower to pin on a fall lapel. The photos are so sweet and speak to my inner farm girl. How about you? Would you pin a big flower on for fun while gathering eggs,
or walking down an aisle?
How about a blossom, by emersonmade?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


pve design - original art ( for sale) on aquarelle arches paper
There is something about the word "McEstate" which sounds so much better than "McMansion" which just sounds like enormous house on postage stamp lot with complex rooflines.
"McEstate" gives a certain air of sophistication, wouldn't you agree?
pve design original art (sold Aug 25th) on aquarelle arches paper
Everything has to do with the proportion of scale, the larger than life planters balanced with an even number as well as the height of topiary trees. If you had an estate like this, what would be your signature mark? I remember trips to the "Biltmore Estate" and telling myself that when I grow up, I will live in a castle - like that.
Biltmore Estate
By the way, even if you do not have a "McEstate" - these stately black and white original works of art are for sale. (The works are beautifully mcmatted!) I think they would look "swellegant" hung in a foyer or a powder room. I find myself making up "portmanteau words" - blame it on the heat.

Have a grand day in the coolness of your own home, be it a mc-cottage or a mc-mansion!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

ready, set, go

Even if this summer is all about staying local (for me) and not jet-setting off somewhere fab, a girl can dream with these unique "upcycled" designs.
"Get,Ready,Set,GO" at Etsy.

Vintage tourister bags given a hip silhouette, all ready to go (or stay) somewhere fun.

Who knew that these bags could be going places, the 2nd time around?
Now - all I need to go with are a pair of converse sneaks!
Get ready, set to go and "squeeze" the last bits of August out of 2009.
bon voyage!

Monday, August 17, 2009

over the top topiary

Imagine coming home to these whimsical shrubs.
Imagine a royal family of elephants on your lawn. Why you would be the envy of the neighborhood.
image from Veranda
If you could select any sort of topiary in any shape, what might you choose?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday best

"Sunday best" - back in the day, Sunday was reserved for donning your finery and gathering to a spot to enjoy the day together.
Can you imagine dressing to the nines and casually meeting in the shade or at the shore?
There is something so refreshing to me, the casual elegance of it all.
Would you like to join me in your Sunday best?
{photos from flickr, lovely day lemon.}

Saturday, August 15, 2009

a perfect ten

I wish my daughter a Happy Birthday today.
Welcome to a perfect 10!  (Goodbye to 9!)
May the waters be clear and warm even on the coldest days.
(May your swim cap and goggles be at the ready!)
May your smile shine brightly wherever you go and music too!
You will always be Daddy's little Dutch girl!
You will always be my shining and smiling star!
I love teaching you to be an artist!
You know your big brothers will always pick you up when you are down.
We wish you a perfect birthday today with love and laughter.
May you enjoy this day!

Friday, August 14, 2009

family friends

Family friends, heirlooms, paintings and rugs
A family keepsake, a painting of a little boy passed to each generation as a souvenir.  He watches my every move and serves as a reminder, a memento of sorts to cherish.  Like a friend, he needs attention and thoughtfulness in order to continue on his heirloom journey.  I think of this boy and wonder about his friends, his family and the original owner and artist who painted this family gem.  
Do you have any antiques from family that have been handed down to love, honor and to cherish like best friends.  

Thursday, August 13, 2009

circle of friends

A circle of friends.
The power is in the circle.

I spotted this book several years ago and wondered if there really is some sort of vital sign in circles.  Has anyone ever seen "crop circles."  I find them full of intrigue from a design perspective.
Suzani ottoman, posted by Bryn
The circle is often used in design and this Suzani design is a wonderful example.
"Circle Unbroken" book by Margot Theis Raven
I imagine that many circles of friends were started as a way to teach others as well as a time to socialize.  I think of many circles, sewing circles, reading circles, knitting circles, fitness circles or art circles.  
Do you have a circle of friends that provide a smile, a laugh and hope to your life.
I highly suggest gathering a circle to those of you that may be in between jobs or in the thick of parenthood, or in any field that may be isolating.
The support of a circle of friends adds sunshine to my life and I hope this post leaves you with a thought to ponder or to circle about.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

faithful companions

There are friends, and then there are four legged friends....need I say more.
Nothing like coming home to some unconditional love.
Big sweet eyes, looking for contact!
"Ben" on the left just left for doggy heaven today....the owner told me.
In good company.

Having a good hair day!
Smile for the camera!

Fresh from the groomer.
Faithful companions are nice friends to come home to.