
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

fork in the road

My sister Liz's painting "A fork in the road"
Our Father often quotes Yogi Berra, who is known for his "berraisms" - "When you come to the fork in the road, take it."  How many times have you been standing at that fork in the road and had a hard time choosing.  Which one would you take, the straight path on the left or that winding road?  Did you decide which fork to take?  


  1. one of my colleagues is always quoting him and even used this one on me a few days ago! Love it.
    Ps lovely picture

  2. I do love how the winding road goes through the lovely field...I think I'm on the winding road right now, raising my kids and experiencing everything through they new eyes. The straight and narrow isn't always bad either though!!! Hmm...

  3. I heard someone discussing "The Road Less Traveled" just the other day. They were debating wether or not the poet was happy with his choice. The line "and that has made all the difference" was the point of discussion. Was taking the road less traveled a good idea? I say have an adventure. Take the road less traveled.

  4. Beautiful painting. At this particular junction in my life, I'm just following the road I'm on until God gives me a sign to make a change.

  5. That Liz is amazing. This is a hard one. Usually the heart decides over the mind.

  6. I love this image :) And the berraism! I think I think too much when I come to these!

    PS. thank you so much for your self portrait submission, I've been so bad about email these past two weeks. I'll be posting it next week Tuesday :)

  7. Art runs in your family! Great symbolic piece.

  8. I'd probably have to stand there for awhile...maybe eat an apple whilst I think about it. The path to the right looks interesting, but the straighter road goes beneath the trees, which would be so pleasant. I don't know, I'd probably have to take the curving path to the right.

  9. You are such an incredibly talented family!

  10. Patricia

    At this age, I always know which road I want to take...but maybe that's because i have taken many wrong roads before!

  11. i think I took the windy road to get here, but now the road goes straight downhill. ;-)

  12. I try to use the logic of the positive and negative sides of the choices. However as Kwana said, I usually end up going with my heart's, or be it "women's intuition".

  13. The first thing I would take is that painting. LOVE! :-)

    Then I'd pop it in my trunk, and head down that winding road, take a deep breath of fresh country air, and enjoy!

  14. Thanks to all for your comments - this encourages me to 'just take it!'
