
Thursday, January 22, 2009

sea salt

My thoughts turn to that of salt and light today.  I love salt, not just any salt, but really good harvested sea salt.  One salt that comes to mind is "fleur de sel" which comes from the Isle de re and there are Salt tasters, who are likened to that of a wine sommelier.
Just a pinch is all you need to take you away to a warm and sunny spot.  I encourage you to try this little luxury.   


  1. ...and for so long we thought it just came from the dark blue box with the umbrella girl on the label.
    I too am a salt lover! I'll have to find this one. You are the salt of the earth to share.

  2. Deb-
    I can always send you a box if you are unable to find it in your area.

  3. I have one of those ceramic salt holders on my counter, and love the feeling of dipping my fingers into it when I am cooking.

    I get mine at Granville Island Market, but I know it's available at Williams & Sanoma.

    I wonder if it is healthier than regular salt.

  4. There was a beautiful room at the Christmas showhouse in Atlanta, and the paint color on the ceilings was Sherwin-Williams sea salt. It is a beautiful light greenish-blue, similar to the color on the box of the sea salt in your post.

  5. i love kosher salt... mmmm lookimng for something salty now!

  6. I love putting a few scoops of it in a hot bubble bath.

    Love your illustrations so much! What a gift you have. How long does one illustration (like 'sea salt') take you to do?

  7. I'm lucky enough to have mine thanks to you!

  8. Gina,
    For the bath - I found another salt which I should blog about too as it has a wonderful aroma.
    As for my illustrations, some take longer than others.
    One like that does not take that long, in order to capture the "spontaneity" I have to have the feeling of being there.

  9. I have heard about this....sounds great. I have some Sal de Mer on hand and love it. Have a sunny day, PVE! ;>)

  10. I have a jar of Flor de Sal from Portugal from the Artisan Salt Company. When I run out, I'll try your recommendation - thanks!

    Abbott says your in - girls are definitely ok.

  11. Can you make room for moi on one of those lounge chairs?

    And I think I spy O & Co sel? It's where I get my special fancy salt. :-)

  12. Oh that just made me leave my home office for a moment. Thank you!

  13. Yum. I wish I was a salt taster.

  14. Great stuff! I also recommend a smoked salt if you can find it. Just another layer of flavour.

  15. I love cooking with sea salt----thank you for letting me know that others think it makes a difference too!

  16. I love salt...I can't imagine my life without salt.

    And the image is just so nice, makes me want to go on vacay.
