
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

celebrate pve design new site

Welcome.  I invite you to hop on over to my new pve design site.  I have moved to WordPress so kindly bear with me while I learn a new blogging platform.  Let me know how you like my new site.
It's cause for a celebration.  Click here.

Monday, June 10, 2013

aquatic pond

 Visiting nearby Wave Hill is always such a visual treat.  
I spent the morning with my friend Kathleen who had two guest passes.  
She knows that I am game for spontaneous outings.  The morning was lovely.
We situated ourselves in a shady spot, nearby the aquatic pond and painted.
I am working on a few paintings to share and finishing up the one that I worked on there.
My new site is about to launch and I am in hopes you will take the leap to my new "pve design" site and new blog.
It should be automatic and direct you there today.

I am as excited as the frogs in this pond who were entertaining us all with funny bullfrog sounds.  
The frogs made us laugh and smile and I hope to do the same with my posts.

Sunday, June 09, 2013

peony love

On our early evening walk before dinner,we could not help but get close-up to this peony.
Can you see the ant having the time of his life?
We have had lots of rain and everything looks so lush and green.

I always think of Anna over at Absolutely beautiful things or Pink Pagoda and her love for Chinoiserie.
                     Enjoy your Sunday.

My new "pve design" web site will be launching this week and I could not be more delighted to welcome you to pop back and have a look around the new place.

Saturday, June 08, 2013

pve at west elm

I'll be over at the Scarsdale west elm shop this morning showing how to create a fun card for Dad.  Come on over and see what's in store.  I can help you create a card for your Father.  There are some amazing things that I know my Dad and my husband would love for Father's day~

Friday, June 07, 2013

cap n gown

My high school intern Shanna created this happy illustration of herself all bright eyed and bushy tailed and dressed in her cap n gown, ready to graduate.  It's been so much fun having her around and I wish her all the best as she goes off to attend Penn State in the Fall.  Best wishes to all the graduates and interns everywhere.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

graduation time

It's Graduation time and a time to celebrate and honor all the grads in your life!  What is your go to gift?
Money?  Gift card or do you give something creative or more practical?   My illustration for Sheridan Road Magazine is a money tree for Graduates, I think that would come in handy~

Yesterday's tote bag winner is Karen Albert.  Congrats to Karen.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

etsy - pve shop (tote giveaway)

 Summer months are a time to take advantage of slowing down.
Take time to smell the flowers,
 or the salt of the sea.
Whether you set sail for a weekend adventure,
or take advantage of the city sites and sounds -
I am happy to share these totes with you that are in my etsy shop over here.

Today, I am giving one tote away.
Tell me what would you tote around?

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

gathering moss

We finally planted "bird's nest ferns" in these great cast iron wire urns that we found last year at a nearby thrift shop.
At a local nearby nursery, I was able to find sheets of super moss and line the inside of the urn with the moss and plant the fern inside.

My Father has a favorite saying that a "Rolling stone gathers no moss" - well this gal has been rolling along and gathering moss.  Hope things are rolling along nicely for you today.

Monday, June 03, 2013

monday motivation - Daddy long legs

 Do you have any special adventures planned for Dad for Father's day?  Why not swing by the
west elm Scarsdale store Saturday June 8th from 10:00 am to 11:00 and create a card for your Dad or a Dad you would like to honor.  Yours truly will be there on a mission to teach you "to design, create and inspire an artful life" in you!
You can find great items at west elm - that Dad will love and I'd love to meet you too.

Saturday, June 01, 2013


Do you remember the lion that my friend Annette was painting?  Many of you have asked to share the finished masterpiece.  Well, "drum roll" - How proud am I of her for digging deep and finding the courage and bravery to do the work.  Now all he needs is a frame for this lion and then to hang this masterpiece in her son's room.  I am so full of pride and joy for her.  It sends such a great message to her family as she really needed some validation.  To me, this is so symbolic, "Hear me roar!"  I kept encouraging her to do this for herself.  "Take time to create and live a more artful life for you."

Can I pass along some en(courage)ment to Annette and tell her to keep painting.  I would love a series called "On Safari" -  What animal should she paint next?