
Monday, June 10, 2013

aquatic pond

 Visiting nearby Wave Hill is always such a visual treat.  
I spent the morning with my friend Kathleen who had two guest passes.  
She knows that I am game for spontaneous outings.  The morning was lovely.
We situated ourselves in a shady spot, nearby the aquatic pond and painted.
I am working on a few paintings to share and finishing up the one that I worked on there.
My new site is about to launch and I am in hopes you will take the leap to my new "pve design" site and new blog.
It should be automatic and direct you there today.

I am as excited as the frogs in this pond who were entertaining us all with funny bullfrog sounds.  
The frogs made us laugh and smile and I hope to do the same with my posts.


  1. I haven't been to Wave Hill for years! Such a lovely spot! Looking forward to seeing the new site - it's always such a lot of work updating - rather like moving!!

  2. can't wait to see the paintings of these lovely flowers!

  3. I have never been to Wave Hill...I need to go after seeing these gorgeous photos!

    I am looking forward to seeing the new site!


  4. so exciting...looking forward to your launch

  5. I love a visit to Wave Hill. Can't wait to see your new site!

  6. I'm excited about your new site. Boy! Have you been busy. When are the boys coming home? Mia's home and happy....all is well.

  7. Will your blog roll move also?

  8. Can't wait to see the new site.

  9. Love to look at these flowers and the whole blog of yours, so inspiring.
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