Monday, January 21, 2013

monday motivation - worth keeping

 This past month, I have been finding motivation in what is worth keeping.  Some might call it de-cluttering and others might call it simplification.  After all what surrounds you should make you happy and not bog you down.
 My awareness to live with less has not only created room for more but it has opened my eyes to what is truly worth keeping.  Take time today to genuinely care about what is worth keeping.  Gather, arrange, renew, reuse, recycle, restore harmony in your home.  Toss, give or donate the things that you no longer have need or want for.

"Surround yourself with people who make you happy. People who make you laugh, who help you when you’re in need. People who genuinely care. They are the ones worth keeping in your life. Everyone else is just passing through."
— Karl Marx 
all images from pinterest


Gabriel S. Ignácio said...

Oh Dear, I feel this motivation too...
Have a nice week!
Hugs and rockets,

Acquired Objects said...

I love this post Patricia and totally agree. Thank you for the motivation and eye candy!


Formerly known as Frau said...

I love starting the year this way. On Saturday I brought a trunk full of donations to our local goodwill. Still more to's really freeing!

Unknown said...

I love a de-cluttered work area - definitely easier to feel relaxed and inspired :)

Have a great week!

Ivy Lane said...

Motivating to simplify indeed! I am in the process of de-cluttering the basement.... love the light in the last picture! Happy Monday!

Lobster Meets Peach said...

I too have been hard at work de-cluttering the house and my to-do list. I need to work on saying "no" more!!!

Woodside Park said...

So true! I just donated a whole box of hard cover books to my local library. I'd love to see one of those free mini library stands in my neighborhood. I should look into organizing one.

Sandy at You May Be Wandering said...

It is so important to "sort" through our many things we amass over the years - the things "worth keeping" end up meaning so much more! Thanks for the motivation today! xoxox

Unknown said...

Words of wisdom! I am motivated as well! xoxo

Unknown said...

Amen to that, Patricia!!! Sometimes the clarity and the joy comes in paring things back and enjoying the best of all you have!

I'm gathering for a donation pick up soon...I always love clearing out the clutter. And, I've never missed a thing I've given away or sold.

Here's to clearing the decks!
xoxo Elizabeth

I Dream Of said...

Patricia, I have a hard time letting things go, but my experiences over the last few weeks are motivating me to simplify - and also making me think about who the most important people in my life truly are. Kindred spirits, dear friends and loved ones are most precious and irreplaceable.

I loved your comment the other day on not forcing things. It was wonderful food for thought for me and I've been going back to it daily. Thank you! XO

MJH Design Arts said...

It's all about letting go of not only things, but also judgements, isn't it?
Thank you for reminding me.

BRASWELL said...

I have been giving away each day. Great to be reminded.

Kelley said...

I love this!

Unknown said...

Very inspirational...will keep on simplifying! Great images too!

Brooke said...

that first image... i die. love it so much. i'm trying so hard to purge and get rid of things that i don't love. it's kind of an exciting process. xo