Thursday, December 20, 2012

K-9 comfort

Sent off this commission and had to share this sweet paper boy with you.  Is he not the sweetest?  The entire time I was working away on this art, I could not help feel his tail thumping, his tongue panting, and his eyes sparkling on me.  The artwork will be a holiday gift for a very special man.

Did you hear about these K-9 dogs delivering calm?  I know my dog calms me and always gives me comfort every day.

If you have not entered my give it away - please do so by leaving a comment over here as to what would bring you comfort and joy from my etsy pve shop.  I really do love etsy and in the New Year, I will be filling it up with some brand new work.


Purple Flowers said...

Patricia - you captured his expressive eyes beautifully!!

If I won your giveaway, I would choose to have an illustration of my Mother. Her age is 91 or as she says "almost 92" :)

Sandy at You May Be Wandering said...

What a wonderful portrait!!

I love Etsy too - it's so nice to be able to support small artisans.

Have a blessed day! xoxoxo

Marcy said...

Look at that face! What a happy expression. What a lucky recipient to get such a delightful gift!

Belle on Heels said...

I loved the story about the K9 comfort dogs. Doggie snuggles are truly the best!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Gorgeous pup and it!

Anonymous said...

still hoping to have you do an illustration of our little pal . . . you really capture the soul of our beloved pets!

Jennifer C. Webb said...

this may be one of my favorites! Wish I could see the face of the recipient when he opens it. It's perfect

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

I loved the story about the comfort dogs!
That illustration makes me want a dog!

Karena said...

Patricia I cannot express how much I love this work of art! He is soulful and yes very calming!

Art by Karena

Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog. Lovely image of the sweet dog. I like very much the offer of a custom dog portrait. Am I to late to sign up? I love my dog as much as my children, in fact they call her their sister. Thanks Liz

annie@mostlovelythings said...

Every illustration of yours leaves a wonderful feeling....especially this one. The notes I have of yours are my favorites and I love to send them...not only are the illustrations gorgeous, but the paper is thick and luxurious and I love the way you wrap them a gift.

uncoolmom17 said...

Love all of your work. It brings me joy and comfort itself. But I would loooove a custom painting of my home. One day :)

MJH Design Arts said...

I love this gorgeous boy. Of course, My Jones is a gift that gives every moment of his existence......except when he is steeling food (or trash) and my yummy shoes-usually the newest pair.
Thanks for making my day, xoxoxo Mary

BRASWELL said...

What a sweet doggie. Our pets give us such comfort. Thanks