Thursday, December 06, 2012

checking my list

Many friends have announced to me that they just don't feel in the spirit to send a holiday card this year.
Question, do you still send a card to those that may have divulged that they are in fact scratching the entire sending of cards?  I am checking my list and plan to send cards to those who might need a little spirit lifting.  Thanks to each of you of who do take the time to send cards.  With every card I write and send, I feel a little "Christmas."  Do you send cards?


Lobster Meets Peach said...

We always send a card with a recent photo of the kiddos. Unfortunately this year my youngest is not working with me! But no matter what a card will be sent:)

Acquired Objects said...

I've always sent cards by the 1st but this year I'm really behind but trying my best to do a couple each day. I send cards whether or not someone sends me one because it puts me in the spirit.


Anonymous said...

It depends. This year time seems to be in very short supply. But I hope to at least get cards out to people who have sent me some.

Sandy at You May Be Wandering said...

Good morning, Patricia! I just love today's illustration. Last year I never got my cards sent and I have felt bad about it all year. This year they are ordered and hopefully will arrive soon so I can send them before Christmas! Have a wonderful day!! xoxoxo

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

I send a card and love receiving them! But, I do know some don't send them for whatever reason, but they will still receive one from our family. We have done photo cards since our oldest was born, I think this may be the last one since he will be off to college next year and our youngest will be in France! :(

I Dream Of said...

Usually I make my own cards and send them to everyone on our list, whether they send cards or not. But last year I was swamped with and didn't get ours out! This year I'm still working on them, but will be able to get them out well before the Christmas. It's funny, though, we've gotten so few cards so far, I'm wondering if we've gotten crossed off a few lists by skipping last year! Love the illustration. XO

Jessica Ryan said...

I am absolutely sending cards... some day... one day... I have three more weeks, right??? I think that will be tonight's project!

Jennifer C. Webb said...

ha, that is that illustration! Reminding me I need to get started on addressing my card. Fingers crossed our photo turns out this weekend

Tawna said...

This will be the second year I don't send them. 'Tis bad, but I feel like they'll probably go in the garbage. Am I bad? Then I feel guilty when others ask for our address, because we aren't sending them. Then again, I like making bread for others...I feel like I've swapped it for the cards. I know that will get eaten, and one only has so much time :).

Purple Flowers said...

I enjoy sending cards with a little note in them. I feel it's my time to enjoy personal notes with family and friends.

Formerly known as Frau said...

I enjoy sending cards I wish I had time to personalize each one with a note.

Unknown said...

We do, we do!
I make photo cards, some years they turn out better then other, but I feel good sending them overseas and to family and friends, who otherwise hardly see us.
The same happens to us, the thought counts....and I have a large picture frame where cards all get stuck in for the season and we marvel how all these kids grow up and their parents simply get older.....
Happy holidays!

MJH Design Arts said...

Time constraints and other reasons lead me to stop sending cards. But I love an email (sad to say) just as much, and send them.

BRASWELL said...

always love to receive them + send them! In the process of doing that right now.

Brooke said...

oh man, you hit me right in the gut with this one. the hubs and I send a card every year that he shoots in his studio. we try to make it funny and timely. this year we just don't have the energy. i;m so afraid we will disappoint folks, as we have already been asked about this year's card a lot! :( perhaps a new years card?

annie@mostlovelythings said...

I love sending and receiving cards! At Christmas time or anytime during the year. I'm still trying to get a photo of my kids....Two words "Christmas photo" always brings out interesting characteristics from both my children...

Joyce said...

Yes I do send cards out with a pic of our crazy pup. In fact I have been doing this on and off today. I like to write a short note with the card. xo