Friday, September 07, 2012

mad about

 I have mentioned that I am mad about this new shoppe, maisonette shoppe in Hastings-on-Hudson.
Maria (the fabulous shoppe keeper) is mad about chairs and has a keen eye for terrific textiles.
How about a floral wing chair.
I might feel like the mad hatter if I had this chair.

Perhaps a mod scribble for happy hour might make a martini or a mojito right at home.

Please pop in to maisonette shop and please tell the shoppe keeper Maria that pve sent you in!


I Dream Of said...

I'm mad for your sweet chair, Patricia! They are fantastic.
Happy Weekend. XO

The Buzz Blog said...

Sounds like a find and will certainly stop by if in the area! Happy weekend (and anniversary), PVE.

Unknown said... great to have that recommendation! Will have to venture your way soon!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
xoxo Elizabeth

quintessence said...

Looks incredibly charming!! And of course love your beautiful depiction!!

MJH Design Arts said...

I love chairs (it is almost an addiction) and these guys are fantastic--the purple is giving me palpitations. Have a wonderful week-end. Mary

BRASWELL said...

Chairs have personalities + the shop looks fabulous!

Reggie Darling said...

What a pretty shop, and such pretty pictures you have provided us, your lucky readers. Today I gave you a shout out on my blog, for recommending Cru on Facebook. We went there on your recommendation over the LD weekend, and enjoyed it tremendously. Thanks! Reggie

annechovie said...

Love these illustrations and I wish I was closer so that I could visit the shop!
Have a great week, sweet friend. xo

Emily | Recently said...

I'm stopping in to say hello after your kind comment about Holly's guest post. I'm utterly amazed by your beautiful art. Bravo! Great to find you.