
Saturday, September 29, 2012


 I am saving this efficient kitchen for my pied-a-terre, well that is if I had one.  What an ingenious use of space.  Organized, maximized.  Perfectly adept and equipped to whip up a petite dinner one, two, three.
Happy Saturday.
image from remodelista

Friday, September 28, 2012

anything for love

 Love is mighty powerful.

 Many of us who have been blessed to know love or to give love, surely know that one would do anything for love in order to make it happen.  Are you shaking your head, yes?  All you need to so is stop right now and write down the one thing your are doing for love?
 Did you know that you can make anything by writing.  
I know that for me keeping a journal or a sketchbook has always helped me to find the strength and remind me that anything is possible.  My artwork has given me the power to design, to create and to live an artful life.
When was the last time you did something, anything that you were afraid of?
Experiment with giving that "anything" over to a higher calling just as you did with love and see what is given in return.

If you have ever loved something, you know that you will do anything.
As I look back over this week and the 25 years of my marriage, I know that there is nothing that I could not handle if it were not for my love and faith that kept me strong and pliable.

Many e-mails have arrived this week with heartfelt words of support and congratulations for which I am grateful.  I want to remind you to take a close look around you right now and to take a step back, inhale and give yourself the gift of love.
Then I want you to go out and love others.

Anything and everything is possible with love.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

champagne kisses

As I told you yesterday, I would be back to tell you all how Mr.PvE and Mrs.PvE met 30 years ago on thursday in September.  It was not as glamourous as the above image, yet I will tell you when we met, there was an immediate attraction.  My eyes fluttered and I could sense he was rather quiet but very much the gentleman.  I always admire a man who can sport a hat while drinking champagne.
The invitation arrived to attend a party.  It did not come via mail or by internet, but a mere verbal invite while parting from an elevator to attend a party on the upper east side in Manhattan.  My thrify (poor) and athletic self chose to walk from 34th street where I was living in an all women's boarding house to the party in a 4th floor walk-up on third avenue.  It was an apartment shared by 4 young men who were all gainfully employed in top notch training programs in finance.  As you can imagine the ratio of boys to girls was in my favor.

Just as I was about getting ready to leave, I went to powder my nose (use the restroom) and as I walked out, a young man came in to get a beer as they were in the bath tub.  See I told you it was not as glamourous as you hoped for.  This young man proceeded to chat it up and then introduce his side-kick (Mr.PvE) who had a cigarette at the ready but turned in the wrong direction and proceeded to light it up.  "I said, I wouldn't smoke that if I were you" and he was rather embarrassed but we both laughed.  I do believe this was long before the danger warning on the side of the Marlboro pack.  He had a Tom Hanks sort of look with a European twist.  We left the party as a group and headed to Swell's for more socializing.  Up the stairs we went and Robin Williams went down the steps past us.
We met on a thursday.  The very next evening we had Dinner at Mortimer's on Lexington Avenue, and Saturday tickets to a Peter Tosh, Jimmy Cliff regae concert.  So, my dear readers that was the chance meeting that began long ago.  I was in my fifth year of college and working in New York as part of my University co-op work program in Fashion Design.  I left New York December 23rd and December 31st, he came to visit me for a New Year's Eve Champagne celebration. As Robin Leach of "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" would end his show with these parting words in his signature accent, "Champagne Kisses and caviar dreams."

all images are of John Steed and Emma Peel from The Avengers 1960's Television show

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

forever and always

 Twenty-Five years ago today we made the promise to love one another forever.
We were actually laughing when the photographer snapped the shot above and below.
This photo was from our rehearsal dinner at The Seelbach Hotel.
My Mother and I went to an orchid farmer to select to orchids as centerpieces in clear glass globes set on top of a mirror.  It was the eighties and I thought it was so modern and minimal.
Can you see it on the table?  

My Mother always told me to find someone you can love and laugh with.

I love you because...
 you make me laugh.

  Especially when I find your collar stays or you find my keys.
We wised up and designated a dish for the collar stays and a key hook for the keys.
After twenty five still give me butterflies 
(as well as hold the key to my heart)

Twenty five years ago today, we were married.
Both our parents are still married so we have had some good "forever and always" shoes to fill.

One lovely reader sent me an e-mail asking how Mr and Mrs.PvE came to meet...
Well I shall be back thursday with that story.

Thank-you to each of you who keep coming back for more.
Promise me you will take time to create a little laughter with your loved one.

Laughter always help make the most of forever.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


 A partnership is all about investing in each other

Good partners know it is all about respecting individuality.
While good partners may not always see eye to eye, working toward
a common goal does keep things interesting and moving forward.
Partners need shared interests or hobbies to find happiness.
Something as simple as sitting in the sunshine can bring smiles.
These chairs look like as though they are smiling, right?

Some of the most important tips to a lasting partnership are;
          1.  Always greet each other at the start of the day as well as at the end of the day.
  • 2.  Never go to bed angry and always kiss one another good night.
  • 3.  Always provide an open heart and room to listen.
  • 4.  Good partners need shared interests.
  • 5.  Make time to remember the little things.
  • 6.  Plan ahead to have things to look forward to, it could be something as simple as a walk, a concert, a movie, reading together, taking a trip.  Planning ahead can add years to any partnership.
  • 7.  Refresh.  All couples need time to refresh and feel invigorated.  Everyone feels better and looks better after a nice bath or an invigorating spa treatment.  
  • 8.  Sit down with one another.  We do spend so much time rushing around in this life that sitting with one another gives couples time to relax.  It might be in the car or on a plane but taking time to sit next to each other is important.

Feel free to leave a comment about one tip that you and your partner find adds to your years?
Sharing is good.

Monday, September 24, 2012

monday motivation - love, love, love

Yes, love never fails.

This week, is my 25th wedding anniversary.
all we ever need is  
 love love love.

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.
There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you
in time - It's easy.

All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Found this on etsy and I ordered one to frame and to hang to remind me love never fails.
I will be sharing tips to create more love.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

overjoyed applause

Are you living life with overjoyed

Read this inspiring post from zen habits.

From the time we are small we learn to find ways for applause.
Life's grief's or struggles can get in the way of finding joy.
We all need to find the wonder of life and applaud it daily.

Thank-you to The House that A-M built for sharing the applause.
It was just what I needed.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

autumn chill

 As an artist, I always love thinking "what if" the autumn leaves turned a cool blue rather than the warm oranges, reds and yellow?  The series of blue leaves by Alexandra Sheldon leaves me wanting blue leaves. (no pun intended)
 As the clear colors of summer suddenly change, a part of me longs to hang on to the cool blues.
 Indigo has long been a favorite color.  My bridesmaids wore long navy sheath dresses.  This week will mark my 25th anniversary.

 A brilliant blue scarf would certainly add a hip cool vibe to my wardrobe.
 So would this royal blue tote.  It also comes in orange from here.
The first day of Autumn and I am inspired by The house of blue leaves and want to bring blue to add a chill factor to the rush of Autumn.

Friday, September 21, 2012

time to read

 We can always find excuses that we never have enough time....but The College Prepster posted about making time to read.
 Making time to read can directly improve how you succeed socially.
oil painting The Red Book
I love reading at night before I go to bed.  I bring my book in the car when I have to wait at pick up or if I have an appointment and can manage to steal a few moments away.

When do you make time to read?  Do you have a cozy nook where you read?  Love to know what you are reading now?

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Wishing a very Happy Birthday to my dear friend Victoria of Art House Design.  Nearly three years ago, we met via our blogs and were delighted to find out that we are in fact such close neighbors only living less than a mile from one another.  Meeting and getting to know Victoria has added so much to my life.  She finds joy in everyday life, be it a fallen branch, an unexpected visitor, a book or perhaps something that needs to be given a last chance of life.  She is nurturing, caring, kind, artistic and a mother of 4 and friend to many.  We both balance our lives as mothers, wives, friends, creators and meet as friends and supporters.

One thing I love is how we share our passions for creating an artful life and finding joy each time we meet.  Please wish my dear friend and neighbor a beautiful birthday.  If you need help styling your home or if you are considering a raw diet, please contact Victoria.  When I think of Victoria, I think of vibrancy radiating such magic.  Darling lady and dear friend, warmest wishes to you for a year full of vibrancy, joy and sparkle.

image from Art House Design

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

power tools

Sorry for the late post this morning.  We had a major storm yesterday which caused a power outage so I read by candle light and happened upon an article which lead me to the work of this wonderful artist, Luke Martineau.  I happen to love supplies and really good tools and these paintings are so inspiring to me.
 How wonderful is this painting of pitchers, mugs and tools.
A great collection of brushes and a cup of tea.
My kind of power tools.

We all have to find ways and tools to power through any kind of weather.

Thank-you Luke for your kind e-mail and I do hope you start a blog soon.
Your work is marvelous.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

another autumn

Sunday was a spectacular day.  One could feel that another Autumn was on the way.  There was a certain change to the air, the sky, the clouds, all of which will soon in turn begin to change the color of the leaves to brilliant hues of gold, orange and red.

I love that there is change ahead as it always seems to invigorate me.  I want to clean out my closet and to organize my pantry and add spices to dishes.  Last night I prepared a roast chicken with squash and my dear husband commented that he was so happy to have a dish that seems to embrace a new season.
He said, "Another Autumn" to which I replied, I know isn't it wonderful.  I can  hardly wait for all that goes with.

Are you feeling inspired by another Autumn?

painting by Fairfield Porter - Amherst

Monday, September 17, 2012

another Hudson

Last week, I finished this store illustration for J.McLaughlin as they will soon be opening a new shop in Hudson, OH.  I live near the Hudson River and not too far from Hudson, NY but I had never heard of Hudson, OH.  There is no school today so we are getting ready to go out and explore our very own Hudson River community.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Block Party

Last weekend we were invited to attend an annual block party of a nearby street.  It's one thing our street would never really be able to emulate as we live on a steep hill.  One of my favorite things about the party is to see how everyone gathers to close the door to summer and welcome the Autumn season.
There's always an array of food, drink, games, bouncy castles, karaoke and even a"chocolate fountain" which provide entertainment for many hours.

I really love knowing that every year there will be new neighbors, new faces, newborns as well as some of the older generation who look forward to rocking around a nearby block.  I call it the "chip off the ole block" party.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Taking a moment to express my gratitude for your support of my artwork.  The above artwork was painted a few years ago for Anna over at Absolutely Beautiful Things and there are note-cards in my etsy shop which have been selling this week.  Each order, sale and inquiry does truly make me feel so loved.  Thank-you.  Wishing each of you a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


It is thursday and all I can strive for is progress.  Anyone else ok with progress.  Keep moving forward is my motto.  Enjoy this perfect day.  Thought you could all benefit from this unknown quote.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The twin bunk beds that served our twins well are available. 
 We bought them years ago from Crate and Barrel and they are in excellent condition.  Solid Ash with a clear lacquer finish.  Twin Bunk beds, includes Ladder and Guard Rails.  Best offer and pick up only.  Anyone interested, kindly leave me a comment or e-mail me on my site at pve contact above.
My apologies, I rarely would do this type of thing, but there must be a set of twins or siblings who would love these as much as our sons did.

nearly there

finished "nearly there" just a moment ago.
It has been a busy few weeks and I keep telling myself that I am almost there.  Getting back into a good routine after summer always takes a little adjusting to.  I long for it and then when the day arrives, I honestly do not know where to start.   After walking around in circles and half finishing things, I take pleasure in knowing that part of the journey is not arriving but the joy of getting there.  That said, I plod onward, paintbrush in hand.

This house commission is nearly there.  I still have to water color the shrubs to the left, add color to the trees and to the house.  I thought I would share something that is almost finished. With each commission, I start, I give thanks to each of you for keeping me busy and always trying a new route while getting a little lost in my work in the midst of the daily routine of life.  I completed this one today.
It feels good to finish something.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

manhattan love

 Although I came to the city many years ago, my love for Manhattan runs deep, and it is hard to put it in words but these items might help.   I thought a little Manhattan love was appropriate today.
 Especially of lower Manhattan.
It's true, I love you from here to New York.
 All of you and all of those that love Manhattan too.
Take a moment today and think of New York.
It was ten -no, make that eleven years ago, September 11th.
We are strong and still in love with our city.
I love New York.

all NY items found on etsy

Monday, September 10, 2012

monday motivation - break time

I don't know about you but once the school year starts, I always must remind myself to find the time for a break.  It seems before I know it, the school day is nearly over and I have been rushing around to meet a deadline or finish a project.

It might be something as simple as taking time for a glass of water with lemon or it might even be the time to read.  I love this cozy nook designed by Melissa Warner Interior design, with the painting of the bus.  Although my daughter does not live far enough away from the middle school to require the bus, it does remind me to stop and take a break.   Even 15 minutes can be very motivating.  Do you take breaks during the day?