
Friday, September 21, 2012

time to read

 We can always find excuses that we never have enough time....but The College Prepster posted about making time to read.
 Making time to read can directly improve how you succeed socially.
oil painting The Red Book
I love reading at night before I go to bed.  I bring my book in the car when I have to wait at pick up or if I have an appointment and can manage to steal a few moments away.

When do you make time to read?  Do you have a cozy nook where you read?  Love to know what you are reading now?


  1. Who doesn't make time to read? I read every where I read at the dentist, while I was waiting to have my truck inspected, every where. Doesn't matter if you have five minutes or hours people should read. I'm reading "The Amateur" by Edward Klein and I read all over our house.


  2. I really love reading!!! I have recently gotten back in the habit about actually making time to read though– it's definitely something I value greatly. (And having a few great books lined up definitely doesn't hurt!)

  3. I love reading and if on a long drive or sewing, I listen to audio books.

  4. Great minds think alike--I often read at bedtime too. Presently I'm working on "Mrs. Robinson's Disgrace" by Kate Summerscale.

    I always try to have a book with me if I'm going to be stuck somewhere for a while. But it seems like everywhere you go nowadays, there's some obnoxious music or a TV on. It makes it impossible to concentrate.

  5. I have many books on my list....for me it's a rainy day curled up on couch with blanket on kind of day is best for reading! Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I too read before I go to bed. I have a tote by my feet as we drive to the mountains filled with reading materials

  7. I am a read-a-holic...absolutely love it! Typically, I read before bed with a few hours a day to read over the weekend. I just finished, "Freeman" by Leonard Pitts. Good read.

  8. Lately I've been arriving early everywhere so that I have a few minutes to read my book. Of course then I realize I'm running late...because I can't stop reading.

  9. Good morning...What a great post! I love to read any where, any time but mostly at night in the bathtub and before I go to bed. I just finished "Gone Girl" (excellent - you won't be able to put it down), "Where Did You Go Bernadette" and "Tigers in Red Weather" - all are good books.
    Enjoy your weekend!!

  10. I always have to have a book going or I don't feel like myself. I read before going to bed, too, and have the Kindle app on my phone so if I'm stuck anywhere my book is there for me. I'm still in the kitchen with Julia Child, reading her wonderfully engaging bio, Dearie. It's terrific.
    Happy Friday - hope you find some time to curl up somewhere cozy with a book! XO

  11. I love inspiring books....I have been reading "Thou Shall Prosper" lately, and I love it. I'll go through 4 pages or so before I go to bed. I'm a very fast reader, and instinctively I want to get through it. This way, I get to bite off an idea or two and fall to sleep dreaming about it....

  12. Hi Patricia -
    I can't imagine not reading....
    I'd miss out on so much. Everyone should make time to read....lunch break, right before bed time, at the office of the dentist (as Debra stated), etc.
    PS - I have a project / room I think you might like to paint. I am waiting for it to come together :)

  13. I do the same as you and carry around my book in case I have a wait and an opportunity to read! Especially if it is a very good book, I might make time to read at breakfast and lunch (if I am alone), and maybe between projects and chores, until I have finished it! I just finished reading The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel by Deborah Moggach (which I wanted to finish reading before I saw the movie -- really enjoyed it), and have just started The Lantern by Deborah Lawrenson (which someone said is reminiscent of "Rebecca" by Daphne Du Maurier, so I had to give it a try!)

  14. We've made it a habit to have a book in the car and one in the loo... that way we always have something on hand if we have time to spare. We're reading Emery's Gift which is a beautiful story about a teenage boy and a bear (sometimes we thinks our boys are one and the same!) Happy weekend, PVE!
    C + C

  15. Thank-you to each of you for your inspiring comments.
    I am working on reading the paper and at least one or 2 books a week. I read in bed sometimes I cannot sleep until I am finished or I wake early....
    Love hearing what everyone is reading.

  16. I love to read! I usually read in bed, but love going down to the beach when the weather is nice and reading by the water.

    Right now I'm reading Wonder, which is required reading in my son's middle school. I thought it would be fun to read what he's reading.

    Happy weekend!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  17. We are bad and tend to watch TV before bed- but, I love a night when the house is quiet (my new upstairs neighbors aren't walking like elephants in their heels), I have clean sheets to get into, I light a candle- and then that's when I go to grab a book.

    Wow, that sounds pretty nice right about now. Have a nice weekend. xoxo

  18. I ALWAYS have time to read; everything else can fall by the wayside. I've even been known to read while preparing dinner. Most always read before turning out the light around midnight or so.

    Never miss a chance to make a good book recommendation: Just finished reading a wonderful book ..... "The Newlyweds" by Nell Freudenberger. Now reading "Paris in Love" by Eloisa James .... a memoir. In waiting, "NW", a new book by Zadie Smith.

  19. I even read cereal boxes if I don't have the paper at breakfast. I can't go to sleep without a book. My sister has a kindle and my iPad is linked so we share books. Reading Follett Fall of Giants now. In France I read The Greater Journey (McCullough) on the recommendation of our home exchange host. Highly informative!

  20. Oh, I love to read and to be surrounded by books... Unfortunately, however, I don't get to read as much as I'd like but when I do it feels like a wonderful indulgence. I'm currently reading "Lost in Translation" and I just finished "The End of Normal".

  21. I too love to read in bed or anywhere(favorite time is bed)Just reading Gone Girl now.

  22. Peggy,
    let me know your thoughts about Gone Girl.
    love to know -what you think.

  23. I've got a stack of newspapers, magazines, and books to get going on. I love to read. I often have at least one piece of reading material in my bag and my car at all times - never know when you'll have a few free minutes. I've got a long wish list on Amazon right now. I've always wanted to read Tina Fey's book and I'd also like to read Nora Ephron's book too.
