
Thursday, August 30, 2012

call of the sea

 After having spent time at sea, I simply must get back to the sea.
 Nothing like the lull of the sea, the sounds of the birds, the waves, the stars, the intense sunsets.
 Heading out to Montauk for a few days before my back-to-schoolers are gone to begin a new year.
Then it will be back to work full time for me.
I have some lofty goals and projects to be completed.
To those of you that are waiting patiently for artwork, thanks for giving me time this summer to take a break.  I find it is so important to take time for my children and give my art a rest too.
I have needed it but now I am ready to begin anew.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

sea change

 What a treat to share a delicious tray of oysters from CRU, Nantucket's Premier Oyster Bar.
I love artfully created spaces.
Especially one's near water.
They are treasures.
Even powdering one's nose is a delight, nautical navy tile, sail cloth receptacles for hand towels.

Shells artfully hung.  Elements of the sea are refreshed and purified.
There seems to be a profound sea of change going on in some posh sea side spots. 

 Having had the pleasure of dining on oysters and one the best fish sandwiches ever, certainly made for a notable meal as well as the artfully designed Cru in Nantucket by the firm of Gauthier Stacy.  Nautical sails hung from the ceiling, canvas chairs, brass accents, wood, white and clusters of glass pod fixtures all gathered to create a positively chic spot.  Long are the days of seaside shanteys and only fried fisherman's platters served in plastic baskets.

I am always inspired by change which is refreshing, artful and simple.  What sort of change has inspired you this summer?

Monday, August 27, 2012

monday motivation - summer time friends

 In the Summer time months, it seems we always have extra time for old friends and for making new friends too.  Be they camp friends or far-away friends, being in a swimsuit and near a body of water can provide so much fun.  Celebrations with friends immediately become all the more special when they are near the ocean or lake.

 Twin brothers bonding and building on the beach remind me of my own twin sons.

My very own daughter and her dear friend selling lemonade this summer and spending time getting to know one another.  Have you been motivated this summer to make new friends or perhaps spend time with old friends this summer.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

to market

I am heading out the door to our local farmer's market in Hastings-on-Hudson for some fresh goodies.  I was away last week, I spotted the loveliest fresh market stand on Nantucket and I thought about all the delightful joys of summer.  Fresh blueberries, Lobsters, corn on the cob and time to be near the water.

Enjoy the freshness that Summer time offers at your local market.  Do you have a local market you love to load up on fresh goodies.

Friday, August 24, 2012

August giveaway

Please pay a visit here to My French Country Home as she has dedicated this month of August to give-aways and I am honored to be sharing my gifts with her and a giveaway for one of my custom works of art of your desire -your home, or pet or whatever you would like for me to capture.  Hurry up and click over here.  Happy August!

Monday, August 20, 2012


pve design - pet portrait of Fletcher
pve design - pet portrait scanned artwork
This pet portrait commission was done of "Fletcher" for a client to give to her Mom for her birthday today.  I must admit, I fell in love with Fletcher while I was working on this one.  What a cutie-pie.
The top is how the artwork looks and the bottom one is the scan of the artwork which I played around with. I think it has a fun graphic feel to it and would be great printed on a tee shirt.

Signing off for a few days to enjoy Summer.  Back friday.

Friday, August 17, 2012

whale watching

 Inspiration came to me in the form and color of a whale.
 I ordered a whale gray sofa for our kitchen lounge area.
 The walls in the space are white.
 The table is white.
 I plan to arrange a gallery wall of artwork.
I love this space how minimal it is and how boys love to build forts as they pretend to be on whale watch.  Love the magic carpets and all that light for watching whales and star gazing too.

Have a great weekend.

all images from pinterest

Thursday, August 16, 2012

sew what

I dearly want to set up a sewing corner and sew.  Sew what you ask, I think I would love to sew some tops like this and mod jumpers for Autumn.   
Love this mod jumper, coat, pants ensemble, very Charlie's Angels.  I think it would be chic in a flannel or a camel hair.
Do you sew?  Do you have a corner in your home set up to sew.

I apologize, I saved this image....and cannot find the link to the artist who painted this.  I will look in my pinterest file in hopes to give credit to the artist who painted this sewing corner.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

summer time

Today my daughter shall be a teen.  I love this image of her riding this vintage bike while she was spending the weekend with a girlfriend and family at the shore.  She is my summer time girl.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

pink and flowery

A client ordered a monogram.  Her request was pink and flowery;
(Pardon the smudge at the top of the B, I rushed to erase some pencil and the paint had not fully dried.
I was so mad at myself but it was also a great reminder for me to slow down.)
She asked for Pink pansies,

Pink peonies, 
Pink Zinnias.

There are two more monograms that I also created for her.  
In the end the monogram is much simpler than the above works.

Simplicity is such a good working word and so are pink and flowery.
Take time to stop and smell the flowers.

If you would like a pve design monogram, I would be happy to create one for you.
They make wonderful gifts, may be framed, printed on note-cards, embroidered on linen hand towels.
The possibilities are endless.

Monday, August 13, 2012

old school

Funny to think that I sketched this new J.McLaughlin shop where my alma mater is located.  I went to University of Cincinnati, Ohio - long ago.  Don't you think this shop has a "old school" attitude?
Speaking of school, my kids will be back in school in just a few weeks, two back to college and an eighth grader so my posting will be sporadic at best.   Thanks as always for coming to PvE and giving the "old college try."  It is Monday and I know some students are already back to school.  Has school started in your area?

Friday, August 10, 2012

white sangria

It is friday and time to start thinking about the weekend and sharing some white sangria.  Perfect for summer.  Wishing each of you a fantastic weekend.

pve design illustration for sheridan road magazine

Thursday, August 09, 2012

mapping it out

I did this map or legend for J.McLaughlin in 2004 to mark the stores that they had at that time.  See the litte orange umbrellas serving as a legend for shop locations.  Currently, they have over 40 stores which means that they have literally doubled the number of stores since then.  How wonderful to see a company spread out by opening shops across America.  Rumor has it they plan to be on the West coast one day.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

bragging rights

Yesterday I had posted the illustration -"Grilled Shrimp" which was done for Sheridan Road Magazine,  The Good Eats article.  In the mail, was the latest issue with the artwork.  Like a peacock, we all deserve some time to strut our stuff.  Pardon me, just a little shameless self promotion.  Let's just call it pve design bragging rights.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

guys and grills

During the summer months we love to take advantage of our grill.  This evening, I plan to grill shrimp.
Do you grill during the summer or is it purely a "guy" thing to man the grill?
pve design illustration for sheridan road magazine.

Monday, August 06, 2012

monday motivation - find something

 Whenever I find something that I am passionate about, it automatically inspires me to be more creative.

 Often it is a pattern, a color or something graphic that draws me in.
 Finding that something is easier for me when things are organized and in front of me.
I feel more rested after a good night of sleep.

Love to find an old chest and do this.  
Have you found something today to motivate or inspire you?
 all images found on pinterest

Saturday, August 04, 2012

light in the shadows

Today, a dear friend and an inspiring artist's work shall be on exhibit
 "Light in the Shadows"
 Locust Grove in Poughkeepsie.
I encourage you to attend or make the trip to see Ellen Hopkins Fountain's paintings. 

Friday, August 03, 2012


 Feeling inspired by these sunflowers that I picked up at the local farmers market.
Wishing you a weekend full of beautiful sunshine and sunflowers.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Top Eight

 She said she wanted to make top 8 in breast stroke (age 12 and under) at The Westchester Counties and I told my daughter, "Where there is a will, there is a way!"  She made top 8, she finished 7th!  There were 93 swimmers that swam breast stroke in her age.  Mind you, she only swims on a summer club team and her school during the Winter.
Thank-you to the Coaches who provide constant support, guidance and enthusiasm.  Now my daughter has decided that she wants to swim year round.  I rarely post family news here on my blog, but I just am so proud of her.  All the driving to and from practice was worth it.  My message is to never give up and always think that you can do it.  We still have the relay and I am excited to see them swim tomorrow!

beachside thanks

pve design illustration of a beach club for j.mclaughlin
Ever since I was a little girl, the beach has always been such a truly special place to go to.  As I was raised in Kentucky, we had special trips with my Mom to the beach in South Carolina.  The summers were a busy time for my Father with his work at the market.  I remember spending days at the beachside fondly.  My Mother reminded me of how I climbed up to a window which looked out onto the ocean and said, "Thank you God for bringing the beach to me."  I have no recollection of saying that but whenever I am given time to be near any beach, I still give thanks.