Tuesday, July 17, 2012

walking friends

My dog Bentley is one of my very good walking friends and each day he loves nothing better than to go for a good walk.  Lately, I have been making an effort to walk more and been averaging around 15 miles per week and have partnered with my neighbor who also loves to walk.

Do you have any walking friends?  I hope you feel inspired to walk with one friend or two and see the positive effects of walking which is so good for you.  I feel inspired to walk more and to keep a sketch diary of the walkers I pass.  Everyone says hello and seems to have regular walking friends.  Find a track or path and ask a friend to walk today.

artwork found here by Silke Lefler.


Anonymous said...

my walking companions are 2 little fluffy bundles that have a tendency to walk me - so full of life!

Mr Paul said...

Its incredible how many miles you can actually clock up in a week with a couple of short walks every day.

pve design said...

I am so delighted to see such comments that so many of you are also walkers....and the benefits are amazing.
Yes, a mood lifter and keeps my weight in check too.

Formerly known as Frau said...

I hope you go quite early to beat the heat....no I need to start walking though...soon

pve design said...

We find the shadiest paths to walk if we go late.

I Dream Of said...

I do love to walk - with friends, and sometimes on my own. It's such a nice way to get one's thoughts together. Good for you for longer walks! And I love that pretty artwork.

Joyce said...

Last night we went for a walk Gary, Bo and I. We took a different path but decided we won't be taking this path again till Fall. I guess ticks like a good walk too. :) I love walking with Bo- he is a good motivator. xo

Tonia Lee Smith said...

I use to walk each morning before work until my schedule changes about 2 years ago and I just thought last week that I wanted to get back into my routine of walking.

Unknown said...

That's just great, Patricia.

I do love walking and do it throughout the week. I do short walks with Molly around the neighborhood, which is a great way to seem people. And, then I do longer walks with a few different friends.

I've been a walker for many years and am inspired to up my miles!!
xoxo Elizabeth

Crissy @ House of Marlowe said...

I love walking with a friend too. Such a great way to get some exercise and connect with someone.

Woodside Park said...

Another walker here! Many times a day with our dogs. It's the best way to meet neighbors and house stalk! Stay cool :-)

Diane said...

A friend and I walk our dogs together for an hour or so every morning -- a highlight of my day and definitely my dog's too! Lots of other people and dogs to meet and greet along the way. We are lucky to have wooded parkland bordering our neighborhood and miles of trails -- it is very peaceful and beautiful. I could walk forever if I had nothing else to do!

BRASWELL said...

oh yes, walking is the best way to raise those spirits + get to know your neighbors. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com