Tuesday, June 12, 2012

hydrangae love

I added some hydrangea love to my etsy pve shop.
It was fun scouting and styling for this little photo shoot.
Now all I dream of are hydrangea blossoms and a day here, poolside at this home in the Hamptons.
even the sky seems to have some hydrangea love.
Do you love hydrangea's too?


Debra said...

Beautiful! One of the hardest things about moving, is leaving my lovely Endless Summer Hydrangeas! They bank my house... And are show-stopping! You have captured their beauty here Patricia. xox

Acquired Objects said...

I love hydrangeas and need to rush over to your shop and buy your cards they're fabulous! All my shrubs are setting their flowers and soon we'll have a show.


for the love of a house said...

So pretty Patricia! I do love hydrangesa too, and in fact just last night planted three Endless Summer Blushing Brides at our entrance to our driveway! I have a spot or two;) for some more!
happy painting and gardening!

Belle on Heels said...

I LOVE it!! I may have to get my hands on these. They're too fabulous!

Formerly known as Frau said...

I do I do .....I have a beautiful blue one in my kitchen waiting to be planted in my front flower bed along with the 10 plants already there. I can't wait for them all to bloom. Happy Tuesday...love the cards!

I Dream Of said...

Oh Patricia, I LOVE your hydrangeas. They are so sweet. Ours are just little green buttons at this point. I can't wait to see them turn color and bloom.
Hope your week is blooming beautifully! XO

BRASWELL said...

Spring, Summer = hydrangeas. In the south, where I grew up, Hydrangeas bushes were the size of trees + I adore them + your cards! xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

Hydrangeas are my favorite! I have some planted at the lake house, which I haven't been to in over 3 months, and just got an email last night from one of the neighbors there telling me all of our plants are growing and blooming like crazy! I can't wait to see them.

Joyce said...

Yes I do!! I have a plant that has been slightly making it over the years. This is the 1st year the little buds are blue. Yippee... xo

the gardener's cottage said...

i do love hydrangeas. mine are blooming right now and i'm in heaven. that home is stunning!

i hope as is well in your beautiful world.


Pat said...

Luv 'em. Mine are coming into their own this year.

Anonymous said...

just beautiful!

Unknown said...

I do!! And, mine are just starting to bloom. What's wonderful about your illustration....it'll bloom every day of the year. Gorgeous!

xx Elizabeth

Unknown said...

Patricia, I love hydrangeas too. They can be hard to paint. You've done a great job. Love the color!

MJH Design Arts said...

The hydrangeas are gorgeous this year in So. Cal.--love them. Mary

quintessence said...

I ADORE hydrangea and am happy to say that I am flush in them. They are the perfect plant for me, beautiful, hardy and long lasting!! Your notecards are so charming!!

Jennifer C. Webb said...

look forward to them blooming all year...need to stock up on some of your cards, gorgeous

luvpens said...

I too love hydrangeas! They bring me such happiness. My new one is a limelight hydrangea tree, late blooming.
Thank you for sharing!