
Thursday, May 24, 2012

artful lunch

 The only stipulation was that my artfully prepared lunch be vegetarian.  No meat, however cheese would be welcomed so with that in mind, a roasted napoleon of beets, sweet potatoes, goat cheese was on the menu.
The anticipation of their arrival brought me right on time to the train station to fetch these fine women.
Our plans had been arranged months in advance to let me know that they would be traveling to New York from their respective homes, Carol from Toronto and Michelle from Vancouver.  It is always nice to have special treats to look forward to.  Special visitors deserve special cuisine.  They came bearing the most lovely flowers, bubbly and house gifts which deserve an entire post.
 I believe in letting your guests work for their lunch so they assembled these sweet stacks and then I topped with sauteed beet greens and roasted pine nuts,  drizzled with truffle oil.  Accompanied with a flute of bubbly and enjoyed with my wedding sterling.  This was followed by a fresh green salad and then some fresh berries with kefir.  I do believe in living and enjoying an artful life.  Dining at home is so much more relaxing and intimate.

Go here if you would like to see Carol's post.  I am so delighted they took the time to make the trip and sharing The Historic Home, "Sunnyside" of Washington Irving was a treat.  Thank-you to Carol and to Michelle for coming to visit and for your down-to-earth friendship.  I think I need to visit Canada next.


  1. Patricia your lunch sounds and looks so delicious! I would have gladly eaten every bite. As always you bring art into everything you do!


  2. What a delicious looking lunch and such a pretty presentation. I hope you ladies had a wonderful time. I completely agree..... I much prefer eating at home!

  3. The lunch looks amazing and what a special time to enjoy with fellow blogger and friends. Love love love your plates!

  4. Such a lovely lunch! Your beautiful blue and white plates make it all the more special. How fun to enjoy good company and a dressed up table, I'm sure your guests were delighted! XO

  5. love seeing your chic kitchen on Carol's post. An enriching lunch no doubt for your mind and stomach

    Lovely china

  6. I love your artful lunch Patricia... the salad looks fabulous and totally delicious.... the presentation beautiful... I wish I had been there with you all... the day sounded such fun... xv

  7. How fun!!! Your lunch looks divine and I know the company was also delicious!!

    xx Elizabeth

  8. what a wonderful lunch Patricia...everything about that day was wonderful...I'm still working on my post. Loved your home and especially loved your studio :) See you again soon, Michelle

  9. Your beet napoleon looks pretty as a picture. And can I tell you how much I love beet greens? A favorite that reminds me of my childhood.

  10. Hi Patricia--So beautiful and so delicious--but those Meissen (?) plates are divine, also. Will you share your recipe? Mary

  11. The best part was It was every bit as good as it looked!!! I devoured it all! I agree Patricia, eating at home is always more intimate and special. It was a great day. : ) ~ Cxo

  12. Mon dieu, I nearly collapsed when I saw that dish. Gorgeous make space for one more please!
