Thursday, March 08, 2012

gorgeous green

 Green does happen to be one of my favorite colors.  I had a professor in college (long ago) who said that green was one color with the most hues.  So many beautiful and glorious greens, emerald, sage, chartreuse, hunter green, mint, loden and on and on.
I spied some lovely pots of clover at a local florist just the other day and started to think of all the gorgeous gardens, lush and green.

the above artwork by pve design


Acquired Objects said...

I love green too and can't wait for spring so I can stick my hands in some soil!


I Dream Of said...

I do love green - nothing makes me happier to see the trees in our neigborhood start to pop with tiny green leaves!
Hope your weekend is as bright and happy as a palette of spring greens! XO

annechovie said...

Green is an enduring fave for me!
Hope your wknd is wonderful! xo

ArchitectDesign™ said...

lovely drawings -especially that house on the top - i'm so happy when people aren't afraid to use color!

ArchitectDesign™ said...

lovely drawings -especially that house on the top - i'm so happy when people aren't afraid to use color!

Michelle Parks McCourt said...

i love green and cant wait for spring and some color..

Glitterista said...

I adore green, and have found that I tend to gravitate towards greens at home as I have a very "green" living room without much planning. ;)

The Buzz Blog said...

Definitely on the same page today as we posted about green, too. Something about spring says green to us and we're certainly springing ahead this weekend!

quintessence said...

Me too - just LOVE green!! And one that I can actually wear (as long as it doesn't have too much blue in it)!! Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Lovely illustrations! It's that time in the year when we are ready for lots of green.

Happy Weekend!

Mary Lou said...

Green is my favorite color and so are my eyes. I'd love a green house. Love your post.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Green has always been my favorite house has always been mainly greens now I've made a switch to blues.....wonder why I switched. I still love green though! Have a wonderful weekend!

designchic said...

Oh yes, gorgeous greens. Thrilled we are having an unseasonably warm Winter in NC ...ready for gardening!!

debra @ 5th and state said...

green is my favorite color, and like the lawn, it goes with everything!

Joyce said...

Green is my love too. I saw pots of cloves today. Soon someone will be having a green bday cake. ;)

paula said...

green will forever be a favorite of mine. The painting are quite stunning!