Wednesday, March 14, 2012

giving green

 One of my favorite books and green things to give, "The Giving Tree."
Giving a lucky green silhouette to celebrate a special birthday makes a sweet gift.

 Green with envy over these pretty earrings.
Giving green plants or green pears, who cares as long as it is green.

Dressed in green giving bunches of flowers looks rather elegant.
Did you ever think that giving green could be so fun!


Purple Flowers said...

One of my favorite books; I still tear up whenever I re-read it.

Happy Greenery to you!

Kwana said...

So much pretty green in this post. I love that dining room.

Erin said...

The Giving Tree is one of my favorite books from childhood! xx

Acquired Objects said...

Sorry I never read that book but from the comments I should. I am loving that dining room it's stunning!


Formerly known as Frau said...

Loved that book! The dress oh my love that too! Have a wonderful green day!

The French Tangerine said...

love your green theme this week!
Clever you!

Clare C. Whitaker said...

This is one of the most wonderful books and definitely one of my favorites! I love these green pieces that you used to compliment that story book with as well. I hope you are having a wonderful week and Happy Wednesday!! Be sure to stop by my blog and take a peak at the redesign.
Twirling Clare

Emily said...

Ooh, I love the picture of the woman holding the flowers - very elegant!

How lucky to have a birthday on the greenest day of the year! I hope you have a great one on St. Pat's!