
Saturday, March 31, 2012

weekend plans

 One site that has provided a wealth of knowledge to me is Learn Vest.
A site with tips and tools for living an organized, healthy and affordable life.
After my files were labeled and organized (Thanks Jen) I then proceeded to shop for dinner.
This recipe from Learn Vest was labeled "Affordable and Glamorous."
Now who doesn't want a little more affordability and glamour in their lives?
"Salmon en Papillote" (recipe from learn vest) which I paired with a healthy green lentil recipe from Ina Garten.

Sauteed onion, leeks and celery (which to me are quintessentially spring) added to the lentils.
In Europe, leeks are considered a right of spring and perfect for cleansing.
We finished off the meal with a rich yet flour less decadent chocolate dessert and fresh strawberries.

I love weekend plans.
Hope your weekend is full of affordable and glamorous fun.
Hope I have inspired you to take action, file and feast!

Friday, March 30, 2012

friday filing

 In the end I decided upon the white cb2 file cabinet for my art studio space.
The top was going in our master bath as a shelf under the floating vanity but in the end we did not use it.
It works great as my desk top.
Keeping things white and simple.
My big table will arrive on tuesday.
Floors are polished concrete from Green Earth Floors
Walls are Benjamin Moore Super White.
Here they are all set up to serve as my work desk.  I love my tote that I won which I use to tote work around to appointments.  Now to file....away some files.  I will be back later to show you my filing.

Still to hang above is a huge magnetic dry erase board.
Keeping things clean, crisp and modern.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

make way

Make way for  the newly expanded Boston J.McLaughlin shop.  
Look carefully when you cross the street, the shop is not only on the corner but runs down the street.
I can't wait to make way for a visit the next time I am in Boston - make way J.McLaughlin

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

fresh focus

Spring beckons a time of freshening up and allowing for renewal in our lives.  
I really enjoyed the honesty of this post involving stress.
When we feel stressed, it affects everything and everyone around us.  

Often - just the mere act of saying no or shutting down might leave you feeling that you are missing out but in fact when we make time to find our focus, it is in the clarity of space that we find the answers.

If you are feeling the affects of "modern anxiety"- what are some tips that help you to find a fresh focus?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Has your someday come or are you still waiting for that someday?
 When that someday comes will it be smooth or full of challenges?
 Do you have the skills needed or a plan?

More importantly, can you fill the shoes....These boat shoes will help you put your best foot forward.

 Are you ready for the challenge or are you merely a spectator?
"We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails"

When that someday comes will you be kicking back or heading into unchartered waters behind the wheel?

Monday, March 26, 2012

monday motivation - welcome monday

Can you imagine how delighted I was to see this posted over at Everything LEB.  Could it possibly have been over one year ago that I created this for her to use at her wedding - yes, time flies when you are having fun.  Congrats to the happy couple as they welcome their first anniversary.  It is true that we must welcome hope and love in our hearts and what better way than to salute something special on a monday.

Is there something special that you need to welcome into your heart today?  Hop on that elephant and make your monday special.  Whatever greets you today, salute it in style, greet it with greatness.  Welcome Monday.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Supper

Sunday Supper is sacred to me.  It is a time to gather, share a meal and bring closure to an evening and a week.  I absolutely adore this table and the painting in the back.  I am about to make this.  
Sunday Suppers deserve linen napkins, cande-light and fresh fruit or flowers.
Do you use linen napkins.  Loving these found

Friday, March 23, 2012

let's face it

What a wonderful collection of framed photos and artwork hung on this wall.  Let's face it, this is an easy thing to do.  Pick a wall in your home and hang a collection of mementos, photos and take time to honor some special faces in your life.

Thanks so much for your well wishes, my daughter is fine.  A visit to the Doc and some time to rest and recharge has her ready to face a new day.

Let's face it, we all need to take care of our health, our homes and those we cherish.  It's friday people and I wish each of you a fabulous day.  I hope that whatever challenge you face today will be followed by something special.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

happy face

A mother's intuition is everything.  I had a feeling last night when I tucked my daughter into bed that she might be coming down with something and this morning, she woke me up letting me know she was not happy and not feeling well.  So, today, will be all about making happy faces as I will be keeping her home from school and helping her to feel better.  Life would be so much simpler if I could go about adding smiles with a crayon or paint brush to make everyone 
illustration from design is mine

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

fresh face

The 16 year old photographer Ann He is on her way to an extraordinary photography career.

I always love reading about fresh faces aspiring to do what they love.  Her photography work presents models with fresh and natural perspectives.  Take a look here.
What tips do you have for keeping your face fresh and natural at any age?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

face in a place

Yesterday, I had posted this work of art "Betty" by Gerhard Richter and one of my very astute readers, Lisa Mende commented that it was in Kate Spade's Park Avenue home.  It is in fact a print as the original is in a Museum, I believe The St. Louis Museum.  Thanks again Lisa.
Did you know that the face in that painting is actually Gerhard's own daughter?
What a wonderful face and I love the fresh modern perspective.
Placing her face laying down adds dimension and highlights one side.

If your face were in a place, where would you hang?
Sideways, backwards or upside down?

Monday, March 19, 2012

monday motivation - about-face

I adore this work of art, by Gerhard Richter.
 What courage to paint a portrait in such a brave way.
Does this make you do an "about-face" too?  I want to gently tap her on the shoulder and call "Betty" to turn around and show us her face.  I can feel so much of her spirit with her modesty yet her boldness with the choice of brightly playful patterned jacket.
 One of my all time favorite paintings and artists, "Ella" by Gerhard Richter.  I always wanted to know if there was any relation since my Great Grandmother was a Richter too.  What I love the most about this work of art is how one readily is brought in to her tenderness, like the blossom of a flower.  It is less about the face and more about capturing the spirit of one's inner self.  I love the traditional feminine colors and the gentleness of her upturned lips.
Here is a self portrait Gerhard painted of himself.  I find it completely mysterious and alluring.   Although his face is blurred, I want to know more about him.  At 76 he is one of the world's greatest painters.  Did you know that when he began, none of his paintings sold and now his paintings are some of the most expensive in the Art world.  Motivation requires willingness to stick with something and to stay the course.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

sunday space

 Sunday always feels like the one day of the week where we can take time to enjoy life as a family.
I love this space above how light filled it is and how airy and open.  I have this in my file for our living room one day to be transformed.
Another room to relax on a Sunday and read the newspaper or a good book.
Hope your Sunday gives you space or time to enjoy a calm moment.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

lucky charms

Do you have a lucky charm?
The shamrock is a symbol of good luck for many.
Did you know it is the symbol for Ireland and for the patron Saint Patrick.
Happy Saint Patrick's day and Happy Birthday to me.
 I feel so lucky to have been born in this special day.
Coco Chanel was a superstitious woman and named her perfume no. 5.  Did you know that Chanel no.5 is the largest selling perfume in the world?
President Obama has his own lucky charms.
When I find a four leaf clover, I always share the lucky charm and pass it on to a friend who needs good luck.  

Do you have any lucky charms?
Coins, rabbit's foot, shamrock, horseshoe?

Wishing each of you a lovely day full of luck and charm.
Care to share your lucky charm?

Friday, March 16, 2012

green light

When was the last time you gave yourself a green light to go.  A green light to symbol a forward move on a project, a trip, or a special permission to go and do something beautiful for you or a friend.

How many times have your thoughts been left in that bin titled procrastinators?  Did you ever think that your actions are all about that green light in your head.   Is there something or someone that needs your attention?  Take this post as a "green light" to go.  Start something you want, create, design or inspire your life by taking action, by letting your thoughts matter.

Thanks to Jennifer at Pink Pagoda for including me in her post here and also to Kristen at C'est si bon for sharing such an enthusiastic post here.  Pop over as there and leave a comment, there is a special "pve design" give-away going on.  Green light says go!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

go green

Think of this post as a eco-friendly reminder to go green.
Do you know the daily green list, click to check out the list.

 Yesterday, I was working in an 
office with a client and the topic of recycling came up and a search for garbage island as well as other questions were raised about where waste goes.

Nope, it was not pretty, but we all need to do our part to go green.
Artists are raising our awareness.   Sculpture is changing the way we look at trash.
We all need to do our part for future generations.
This fantastic wallpaper in an office would be a great reminder to go green.
Mother Earth needs each of us to think green.
 One of the printers in the office was acting up and it made me think, perhaps the printer was trying to tell the world to reduce.  Do you really need to print everything?  Think of all the trees we could save.
Maybe one day we will have an alternative for paper?  
 It makes me happy to know that we recycle because as a child, I only remember one trash bin.  Now we recycle but have you noticed that some trash bins are the size of a car?
 When was the last time you thought about going green? Are you doing your part to go green.

 Do you carry your own bags to the store to help reduce paper and plastic consumption?
 There are many eco friendly products on the market that will change the way we live and how we travel.  Given the current price of gas, we need some alternative solutions.
 Eco friendly flooring and shoes crafted of recycled materials designed for the consumer who is searching for a sustainable solution and lifestyle.
Lisa at Kenmore Arms has a green thumb and green wellies to welcome you to her home.
Are you green?
What sorts of steps are you taking to do your part?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

giving green

 One of my favorite books and green things to give, "The Giving Tree."
Giving a lucky green silhouette to celebrate a special birthday makes a sweet gift.

 Green with envy over these pretty earrings.
Giving green plants or green pears, who cares as long as it is green.

Dressed in green giving bunches of flowers looks rather elegant.
Did you ever think that giving green could be so fun!