Monday, February 06, 2012

monday motivation - glad supplies

Nothing like starting off a new week with the chance to love to work and to play.  Containers gathered together and holding pencils, brushes, scissors can be very motivating to jump start one's creative spirit.  Are you satisfied with your possessions?

Perhaps your tool is the computer to gather your images or words.  Fear nothing, be glad of life and embrace today with glad supplies ready for a guidepost to creative peace.
Be governed by your admirations.

What sort of supplies make your life glad?
This week I shall be sharing some supplies I admire.
(images from pinterest)
Be glad of life!


Formerly known as Frau said...

Happy Monday!! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! I think my supplies are all my gadgets charges and ready to go and coffee brewing and water ice cold! Have a wonderful motivating Monday!

Joyce said...

Love my tech gadgets, but mine would be a nice fine marker and a good pad of paper. xo

Purple Flowers said...

I am a work in progress when it comes to my possessions...which is my motivation.

Diane said...

Love your happy quote of the day, or as it says, "little guideposts on the footpath to peace"... A few well kept supplies are the best possessions -- I think my kitchen supplies are my favorites. I do admire your cache pots of art supplies though -- it looks like you would know just where to find the exact one you would need!

Unknown said...

This post is such a perfect fit for a Monday, my day to explore and look ahead.
The camera has become one of my glad supplies. As I walk or look out from the deck on our house, I am able to capture so much of the every day, the focus of my writing. So glad you posted this topic!

The Buzz Blog said...

A good supply of chocolates always makes my week!

Acquired Objects said...

Happy Monday to you too Patrica! I can't wait to get up into my studio each day, I love my textiles! The explosion of color I get each time I walk in makes me happy! Enjoy your working tools!


Anonymous said...

Fabrics and threads - make me glad. Wasn't it Pollyanna who was glad for lots of things (such a lovely book)?

Virginia Country House said...

Art supplies- brushes, new colors of fresh, perfect pastels, PAPER, enormous canvases--I'm having heart palpitations. I don't think I've ever left an art store without buying something.

Pip Spiro (Boydell) said...

I'm like a child in a candy store looking at these images!! Nothing more exciting than a prepped and stocked workspace with fresh paper, ready to go. Happy Monday x Pip

quintessence said...

My computer is of course my favorite supply - if you can call it that. But I do love a nice pen with a super micro point!!

Unknown said...

I have many favorite glad supplies. The best part about them all is the varitey. Because that what motivates creativity.

Special 'K' said...

Thank you for the inspiring quote and the great work station images.
It's not on the needles anymore but this is how I determine if I'm ready to knit the last 2 rows and cast-off.

Janelle McCulloch said...

What an immaculate desk! It inspires me just looking at it. Wish my work space was that lovely. At the moment there are piles of books, unorganised canisters of pens and pencils, bills to pay and two manuscripts to edit. None of which I really want to deal with! But your quotes are all I need to feel motivated again! Janelle

Denise said...

I have a little sign in my office that says "Love What You Have." And I definitely do love my "stuff" because most things remind me of a trip our family took together. Thanks for a beautiful post!

Anonymous said...

Moleskine diaries and fine nibbled pens.