Tuesday, February 14, 2012

love to you

 Today is all about giving love.
 design by Alexander Girard.
 Giving love to our favorites.
etsy fave
 Wearing something red.
vintage dior
 sharing love makes life brighter.
happiness glassbaby
Love to you today.
Happy Valentine's day.


Purple Flowers said...

There are many ways to show love - one is through friendship.
Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Angie said...

Love to you too!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Happy Valentine's Day!! Hope it's filled with love.

Janelle McCulloch said...

Love the vintage Dior frock! And the chair too. In fact, red is just beautiful anymore. Do hope your husband remembered Valentine's Day and you received a kiss or two! Janelle

I Dream Of said...

Love back to you, Patricia! Hope you have the sweetest of days! XOXO

Amanda C. Bee said...

Happy Valentines Day! A great collection of all things valentinesy. That red chair is spectacular!

Special 'K' said...

Happy Valentines Day! Thank you for sharing these beautiful images. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

ArchitectDesign™ said...

Happy valentines day, patricia! I have every red article of clothing I own on today -hope you're wearing some red as well!

Acanthus and Acorn said...

LOVE to you too!
Happy Valentine's Day, Patricia!

Acquired Objects said...

Lots of love to you Patricia and a very Happy Valentine's Day!


Karena said...

Spreading Love to you Patricia!

Happy Valentines!

Art by Karena

Unknown said...

Spreading love is wonderful, it fills us with the most important substance in life!
Much love to you and the ones you love!

Joyce said...

Love comes in all packages and mine is your sweet freindship. Enjoy your love today! Happy Valentine's Day!! xo

Unknown said...

Happy Valentine's to someone with a huge heart!!!! Love all your picks. Wishing you a joyful day with all your Valentines!

xo Elizabeth

Lisa Porter said...

Oh so many pretties here to LOVE!
Wishing you a day full of everything that makes you smile Patricia!
xo Lisa

the gardener's cottage said...

love to you also patricia! you make the world a much more lovely place.

S. Etole said...

Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

I love that red coat and chair!