Wednesday, February 08, 2012


 Location, Location, Location really does say so much especially when it comes to coveted real estate and then of course,  to coveted art.  Ahem. Well, not just any art but feast your eyes on the illustration.
I was so excited to see the art take the page instead of being relegated to one tiny corner.
My latest illustration, in the latest issue of Sheridan Road Magazine.  Sometimes just a line or a shoreline can say it all.  For this particular work, I thought keeping it simple in shades of watery blue worked best to convey the "North Shore" from "Lake Bluff" on down the line to "Evanston."

Does your address need to be illustrated to show off it's location, location location.  Let me know your whereabouts?  Did you know that I also illustrate on location for parties or events?


Anonymous said...

I love your map, my geography of America is a little sketchy at the best of times.

Joyce said...

Hey, this is my neck of the woods! :) how did they find you? I am going to give your name to a designer. I know I reach for the stars, but one never knows when one will fall in your hand:) xo

Cheryl said...

You are just incredibly talented!!!! I love this!

debra @ 5th and state said...

you are in my turf!

yes patricia, come,illustrate the party (held in your honor) and then let's go antiquing!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Love it and congrats it's amazing where your art work and talent takes you. Have a wonderful day!

quintessence said...

Beautiful!! I am delighted to say that I am seeing more and more use of illustrations in the magazines - love it!!

Karena said...

Patricia I love this illustration!! Fun to have!

Art by Karena

Lindsey said...

I just love this. Beautiful and practical all at the same time.

The Buzz Blog said...

How fun to see the North Shore where I spent two of my most favorite years in business school - your art brings it all back to me! Thinking I must procrastinate a little more and read Sheridan Magazine.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful illustration, Patricia!!

I'll dream up a fabulous party and have you illustrate it! What fun!!

xo Elizabeth

Purple Flowers said...

Congratulations on your publication. I love the illustration.

Belle on Heels said...

Love it! One of these days, I will own a PVE original. Your work is GORGEOUS!

I Dream Of said...

I adore an illustrated map and yours is especially charming. PVE, this gives me an idea for something I would like to commission you to do ahead of our Anniversary this year. I'll send you an email with more details! XO

Jennifer C. Webb said...

what a lovely feature of your artwork! In my dreams I will host a party worthy of a PVE illlustration

Caryl said...

Just love it, can't explain why. The highest compliment, I think. No brain analysis, the eye
just delights upon seeing. (My old stomping
ground as well. Brought back memories of
grad school and making out near Bahai Temple
in high school. Not sure why THAT FACT flew
into my mind when I saw your drawing.)

Acquired Objects said...

Your map is wonderful and congratulations for having it in print. My location is nothing but woods and that would get boring painting.


Amanda C. Bee said...

Live art would be such a wonderful keepsake from an event! This illustration is excellent, I love how they made it a full page and integrated it in to the text! So exciting! x

Gwen Driscoll said...

I love it! Just perfect b/c it's got your special touch! Love! Thanks for stopping by RHS!

Privet and Holly said...

You are so talented.
What a lovely rendering
of the Chicago Lake
Michagan shore. We
used to live right near
Sheridan Beach : )

Happy Wednesday,
xx Suzanne

Emily said...

Great job Patricia!! I love your illustration, and how cool is it that it landed on the full page! Just beautiful :)

Denise said...

Lovely! I will keep my eyes open for a chance to use your beautiful talent!

The Devine Life said...

Great illustration. Love it!