Friday, February 10, 2012

fresh off the farm

Many of the commissions that I do require me to work from a photo and often, I can really work myself up into a tizzy trying to capture what I see and what I cannot see.  This farm house made me remember my very own Father who was raised on a farm.  He was born one of nine children and his Mother paid the fine Doctor with a fresh off the farm chicken.  It was a barter of sorts and my Dad loves to say that poor chicken is gone and he is still clucking around.
Although I could pick my work apart and want to re-work this one, it is more of a feeling that I try to capture.  Can you imagine arriving here and feeling far away, calm and having all you need and wanting nothing more.  Such simple places, farmhouse, cabins and spots tucked away at the end of a dirt road  
are so inspiring.

If you are trying to practice your artwork, work from a photo, imagine yourself there and what you want to capture.  


Cheryl said...

It's amazing that you brought the photograph to life... again, such a gift.

pve design said...

My Dad as one of nine has some crazy funny stories of growing up on the farm. He is the last living son and I know he would give anything to go back in time to that farm.

Jennifer C. Webb said...

you captured it perfectly, another house I want to visit. Bet your father has great stories from the farm

Crissy @ House of Marlowe said...

Simply magical!

Unknown said...

This darling farmhouse and your prior post on J. McLaughlin make me smile. Your work is instantly recognizable and such a delight. I know I love seeing it every day. One at my desk downstairs (the house) and one upstairs (the desk scene). I think of you every day!

My grandfather was a doctor and delivered many babies in South Texas. My mother has told me of many barters along the way! :)

xo Elizabeth

Belle on Heels said...

Oh my goodness, SO charming!!

Acquired Objects said...

Artwork is supposed to be an interpretation of what the viewer sees not life itself. I think you captured the house, setting and mood perfectly. Artists are their own worst enemy sometimes but you’ve learned when to say enough it’s done. Something I haven’t always been able to do so I’m a little jealous of your talent.


Unknown said...

I love your notion of the simple place at the end of a dirt road.... Walden's cabin comes to my mind!
And to capture it as you do.... Wonderful!

Purple Flowers said...

I love the barter idea. It tells of simpler times. Your illustration of the farmhouse also tells of more peaceful times. I love it.

I Dream Of said...

I love the insight into your creative process, and can feel the peaceful, calming pace of this sweet home on a farm. My Grandmother had a farm, and I have such strong memories of the sounds, the smell the feel of the place. I love how art can bring that all back! I'm so excited about our project and can't wait to see how it comes to life in your hands!

Amanda C. Bee said...

Such a great piece of advice!! This is a great piece, one lucky customer!

Joyce said...

I like the story about the chicken. Couldn't you sit for hours listening to your dad's stories? I miss those times. I feel you captured the feeling of "welcome" home. xo

Erica Cook said...

Amazing talent! Love this image and I've especially loved the montage and maps you do.
Your comment over at Moth made me laugh out loud today. You're too funny. xoxo

Michelle Parks McCourt said...

Love this image. Would like to see if you could do a similar project for us?

Southern Lady said...

I love it! The story about your dad reminds me of my dad's family. Wouldn't it be nice if we could still pay a doctor with a chicken fresh off the farm? Carla