Wednesday, February 15, 2012

bonjour sugar

 If per chance yesterday left you wanting more sugar, why not treat yourself today.
A visit to a local patisserie or nearby sweet shop for a little "bonjour sugar."
  What sort of sugary sweet treat takes you away in the midst of a busy day and reminds you of a sweet vacation.
pve design illustration done for a client "vivre les vacances"


Anonymous said...

Laduree is one of our favorite sweet treats and our closest too. The little beautiful jewels are utterly delicious!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Laduree! I dined there last week in London and brought macarons home for friends and family...I LOVE your picture!

Unknown said...

Hmmm, makes me want to go to exactly that place! I love these macaroons, sweet somethings!
Your illustration is wonderful!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Ice cream would do it for me....
Coffee and a cookie could too...

Unknown said...

Oh, Laduree was on my mind yesterday!!! I know we have on in NY now, but there's something special about the one(s) in Paris!

xo Elizabeth

I Dream Of said...

Speaking of sweets, this is such a sweet illustration of Laduree! My sugar consumption knew no bounds yesterday. Time to turn over a new leaf!
Hope your Valentine's Day was lovely and loving!

Amanda C. Bee said...

Mmmm macaroons!t

The Buzz Blog said...

Dying to visit the store in NYC - why don't we make it in for a blogger tea some day? Sweet image from a sweet artist!

Unknown said...

Not into "sucre" so much but I am getting the urge to make a "petite" apple pie with lots of cinnamon & brown sugar! Mmm:)

Joyce said...

Anything homemade and tarty would be perfect. :)

A Very Sweet Blog said...

I love Laduree!!! This sketch is super sweet. :)

Denise said...

This illustration is beautiful! Love it! Laduree ain't so bad, either! ;)