
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

capture every minute

 It is the end of November and I promise to savor this past month for all the beauty and wonder I have seen.  This past month has been full of emotions and has helped me to realize each day is fragile.  Life is to be captured.
 As we enter into the month of December, I want to give the things that need attention the most love.
 Spending time with elders has always helped me to capture every minute as time seems to be much slower for they realize a walk may be the last one.  I love the way time stops with my elders.  They seem to have life's minutes all figured out without counting.
Expressing one's true emotions requires living in that moment and not getting caught up in the madness.
Care to join me on capturing the moment and enjoying the month of December without missing the true minutes that deserve joy.

Gather friends
Spend time with an elderly neighbor or child
Create something to give
Give yourself permission to create
Take a walk, "window shop" - especially at night when everything is closed
Give happiness
Do random acts of kindness
Fill your heart with love
Listen to holiday music
Light a candle for someone you love
Light a menorah
Spin a driedl
Eat chocolate
Peel a tangerine and smell it
Send a letter to Santa
Make a wish
Call your Mother
Make a meal for a family
Give hope
all images - pinterest

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

around the corner

 It is always nice to know that there are places near and dear to me just around the corner.  I think of these spots when I am sketching.  Here is a corner shop that I illustrated for J.McLaughlin.  They told me that I "nailed" it right away meaning I got it right.

This Holiday, I plan to support many spots just around the corner as well as make items for giving.

Do you have a place you love to go just around the corner from you?  

Sunday, November 27, 2011

prep time

Having a place for things in one's kitchen certainly helps with prep time.
My Alessi cruet sits to the right of my stove since I am right handed and serves me well when I am preparing food.  Fresh sea salt and black pepper sit there waiting for a pinch or a grind.
The lovely mushroom topped canister was given to me by a dear friend long before my kitchen renovation began.  It is empty now but I just love having it out.
Time to re-fill the extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, sel & poivre along with tucking utensils bak into 
drawers and vessels.  Knives, mits, tongs, spatulas, wooden spoons and graters are all ready for a good holiday workout.  Having these items all at the ready do aid in speeding up prep time.  Now to get back to my artwork.  I think I need the same sort of set up once I can move into my new studio.

Is your kitchen ready for a holiday workout?  How do you handle prep time when it comes to meals?
I look forward to sharing my orderly baking cabinet stocked to bake holiday treats.

Friday, November 25, 2011

wonderful bling

 I hosted Thanksgiving yesterday and it was a wonderful day sharing our new kitchen with dear friends.  My sons are home from college and one of my sons assembled our new table from CB2.
The light was installed two days ago, just in time for Thanksgiving.
 One of the benefits of hosting are receiving lovely hostess gifts that I call "Wonderful Bling!"  Flowers, an aromatic candle,
 Seated next to my son who is home from University is also very wonderful.
Yes, hard to believe that I have twins in college.
Congrats to Brooke from "Velvet and Linen" - (no. 28 randomly chosen) who won the giveaway.
If you have not met Brooke and Steve, click on over for some simply amazing and inspiring work.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

grateful give-away

 Each and every day I am grateful for many things.
Appreciative.  Blessed.  Grateful.
E-mails come in from past clients thanking me.
Many loyal customers return for more artwork,
 Thankful to have the memories of these illustrations that I have worked on over the years and the many clients who love my work.
Really, folks it cannot get any better than that, doing what I love and feeling the love.
It is a gift to do what one loves.
 Each work of art feels like taking one step in the right direction.
Skipping up the steps, singing, and whistling while I work makes me happy.
 Feeling blessed, thankful, grateful and happy.
Happy Monkey Grass Hill. I can dream about having breakfast there and making jewelry with Julie.
 A floral designer lives here and I would love to knock on her door with a special delivery.
This was a moving gift commission and I wonder who lives here now?  I feel so full of gratitude for all the work, the friends I have made while I work.  I am so very appreciative.  Thanks so much for all your kindness and support.  Happy Thanksgiving to each of you.

Leave a comment and on Thanksgiving day, one of you shall be randomly selected to win a "pve custom house commission!"  All you need to tell me is what you are most thankful for?  If you are a pve follower, thanks so much and if not, take the time to follow me here on my blog journey.

11-25-11  -Update; Winner is "Brooke Giannetti" from Velvet and Linen- randomly selected no.28

Monday, November 21, 2011

monday motivation - house works

 Welcome Monday.  As many of us scramble to pitch tents, forage for ingredients and prepare a bountiful table to share with our family and friends, when we really get down to it, the origins of Thanksgiving day were all about going native.  Life in a tent does seem simple.
 How marvelous is this relaxed table to share a meal and break bread.
I can only imagine the pilgrims writing down and sharing recipes with the Indians.
Several years ago, a dear friend inspired me to organize a binder with important papers and one binder is devoted to the Thanksgiving Holiday.
A binder with clear sleeves to show recipes and to keep important papers.
One can find many inspiring planners on line, but a simple binder can gather all items in one handy spot.
 How are things working inside your tent this week.  If you host, is your table set, your menu prepped, and are you ready for the holidays.  How does your house work to host memorable occasions?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

play on

This will be my motto for today as I prepare to host a royal dinner,
 for my daughter's soccer Mom's and Dad's of her club soccer team.
 Our daughter's Coach sent out a request for an evening to celebrate the season, somewhere other than the sidelines.  
An adult evening which does not happen too often for many as we chase and carry the ball from practice to work to dinner and beyond.
 The e-vite was sent out inviting all the Mom's and Dad's for a royal banquet.
Well, not exactly royal, but a "pot luck" feast for all to bring something and to socialize somewhere other than the sidelines.
I am planning on cutting greenery and setting up the table with fresh whites and lots of candles and some black and white too. I am hoping I can convince my referee husband to cut a plank of wood for my table.

The renovation is not complete, but nothing ever is and I rose to the occasion when the coach referred to me as "The domestic Goddess."
Let the games begin.  I am so excited to share and play hostess in my new royal digs.

Friday, November 18, 2011

dreamy friday

 Imagine yourself waking up from a dream and landing here, rested and refreshed.  Imagine that everything you do today revolves around shades of white, bone, pale gray and golden accents.
 You saunter over to your dressing table and apply a fresh face before you prepare a healthy breakfast.

 Piping hot oatmeal, fresh fruit and some roasted coffee.
 What a pretty kitchen.  Light, airy and clean.
 Your mind wanders to wishes and place settings for Thanksgiving and gathering with those you cherish.
 Then you think that a place setting needs to be there for the one's that cannot be with you.
 Mother Nature cards from Austin Press are used for each guest to write a Thanksgiving wish.

After a busy day of dreaming, I find this pillow so soothing and all I want to do is sit a spell and cozy up at home on friday nite to a clean home and to my dear husband.
A dreamy pair of chairs to sit a spell and spend time enjoying one another's company and the desire to lighten up after a long week.

Hope your friday is dreamy.
Do you allow yourself time to dream?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

kinfolk gatherings

 In one week, we shall be gathering to our tables to share Thanksgiving.  Be inspired by these kinfolk to come to the table.  Click over here to be inspired by kinfolk.
What sort of gathering will you be hosting or going to?
Care to share what your aesthetic will be?

Kinfolk is a growing community of artists with a shared interest in small gatherings. We recognize that there is something about a table shared by friends, not just a wedding or once-a-year holiday extravaganza, that anchors our relationships and energizes us. We have come together to create Kinfolk as our collaborative way of advocating the natural approach to entertaining that we love.
Every element of Kinfolk – the features, photography, and general aesthetics – are consistent with the way we feel entertaining should be: simple, uncomplicated, and less contrived. Kinfolk is the marriage of our appreciation for art and design and our love for spending time with family and friends.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

chez toety

While in Monaco, my dear husband and I took a stroll up to the market for some fresh food items along with several bunches of fresh white rannunculas which I proceeded to make this arrangement for dear Toety, my Mother-in-law.  I love the attitude of the one stem that seems to be reaching, vying for attention.  Next to the arrangement is a Diane James Home candle I gave to Toety, which she lit and thought it was the most lovely fragrance filling the room with a heady floral scent.
The room is mostly shades of cream and brilliant blue accents like the lamp.
They have lived in this apartment for thirty years and have collected things they love.
It is such a peaceful room in such a busy little place.  Going there for a visit always feels like an elegant  hug.  I wish we lived down the street so I could personally deliver fresh flowers to this lovely lady, Toety.

Monday, November 14, 2011

giving care

I am back from Monaco where I was visiting my in-laws.  Giving care and attention to those who are aging around me, means so much to me.

My Father-in-law has dementia and while it was not an easy to see him in this state, it was wonderful for me to express how much love I have for him.  I tried to rekindle flames by sharing stories and affection.
At times there was laughter and at times some tears but it was for me a very valuable lesson on life.
Over the years, he has always shown such support and kindness to me and our family.  Giving care to our elders is vital to letting them know just how much they mean to us.  How do you give care to your elders  around you near and far?