
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

around the corner

 It is always nice to know that there are places near and dear to me just around the corner.  I think of these spots when I am sketching.  Here is a corner shop that I illustrated for J.McLaughlin.  They told me that I "nailed" it right away meaning I got it right.

This Holiday, I plan to support many spots just around the corner as well as make items for giving.

Do you have a place you love to go just around the corner from you?  


  1. Beautiful works! I always try and support the small business here in my little village. They always have fun unique things! Have a wonderful day!

  2. Absolutely! Love shopping locally and at small businesses. We have several new great shops in Rye, so I guess I'd better get a move on!

    xo E

  3. We have a great little village nearby which I should walk to more often :) Love your drawing!

  4. Absodarnlutely! You bet we have a few favorites that have become part of the whole holiday tradition for the Porter family.

    There are so many advantages for everyone involved by shopping local & small.
    1. We have the pleasure of getting to know shop owners.
    2. They greet us by name when we arrive.
    3. They buy local too knowing that items purchased by customers will be cherished for years and years.
    4. Our favorite bakery is snuggled right smack dab in the middle of it all!

    You always "nail it" Patricia! One of these days I hope to commission you for one of your sketches. Now, that would be considered shopping local and would most certainly be cherished!

    Happy holidays sweet friend to you and your family.
    xo Lisa

  5. I am trying to make a point to shop only in the small, locally owned places here in my town! We have so many, and I love to walk in and they know me by name!

  6. Adorable illustration of "the shop around the corner." Of course I have Red Ticking just a hop, skip and a jump away. There's also a wonderful florist and a kitchen store in our village -- I feel so lucky to be able to shop without looking for the car keys!
    Happy Tuesday!

  7. Yes! I love our local garden store. Bought all my wreaths yesterday and you'd think I'd given them a million dollars they were so happy to see me. I feel for small businesses in this tough time. Happy end of November! I think of you every time I wear my J. McLaughlin xoxo

  8. I love to shop locally, although also try very hard to buy things made here too. Not always so easy now as so much is made in the far east.

  9. What a great sketch. As for around the corner? Your place! LOL!

  10. We love our corner bakery - the owner is French and his croissants never disappoint!

  11. You absolutely nailed it! Beautiful!
    I always like to shop in small places, with a personal flair and specially selected pieces. That is also why I love shopping at farmer's markets.
    That goes for almost everything, larger shopping malls overwhelm me quickly!
    I wish I had a small food shop like in Europe around the corner, but Whole Foods will do as well!
    I always pretend to be in an indoor market!


  12. I enjoy small local business. My favorite is my friend's at The Backdrop. Happy shopping. xo

  13. I'm getting a grown up, modern, American, Madeleine vibe.
