
Saturday, March 05, 2011

weekend rest

part of the joy of the weekend is waking up rested and refreshed
not having any place to rush off too and not worried about having to make the bed.
the "messy" bed look is after all in fashion.
love my bed to look this like this rumpled oasis.
feeling restored and rejuvenated after sleeping on fresh linens.
love to have this stack.
There is nothing better than a good rest and freshly folded linens
linens on the table ready for a fresh farm breakfast

Rest and nourishment always restores my energy for life.
What is on your list for this weekend?
I do hope a good rest or a sleep over is on the agenda~


  1. On the agenda today is lunching with my Mom. Sunday is to begin cleaning out the garden, and cutting down the rose bushes abit. Looking forward to wearing a lighter jacket and garden clogs.
    Enjoy your weekend Patricia.

  2. I've already accomplished my only MUST DO today--changed the linens on my bed. Out went the red coverlet (Christmas thru Valentine's Day), on went the yellow one (Spring thru Thanksgiving). I'm a real creature of habit.

  3. I need a weekend rest and this weekend I'm getting one, off to Seattle shortly!!

  4. My cat, Nadine, would be resting, sleeping, on all that!

    My birthday is Monday but Susan and I are doing some early celebrating today by visiting art galleries in Brattleboro, VT and enjoying a lunch (And maybe dinner) out!

  5. Took my time this morning, savored 2 cups of coffee and then took the boys to the city. They loved it. One is "resting" downstairs. The other is running off the rest of his little battery life outside. I'm at my desk perch. Hubbie gets home tomorrow!

  6. What lovely images. Fresh sheets and a good night's sleep are high on my list. Just took my daughter for a mid afternoon ice cream downtown - I indulged as well!! It was a lovely little outing. Now on to work!!

  7. Love a lazy Saturday of laundry and relaxing. Rainy day here so lots of that going on. Hope tomorrow is just a relaxing!

  8. Weekend rest...don't we all need that? And lovely fresh linens are the very best. Enjoy your weekend. Mona

  9. Oh, I am with you on the rumpled oasis look! Certainly love THIS trend! And to cover myself in soft linens is a wonderful feeling!
    Sleeping in one of Sunday's precious moments!
    Enjoy and be rested for the next week!
    Kiss and hug!

  10. Love the feeling of fresh sheets and coming home to my own bed after traveling! :-)

  11. Fresh linens top my list...changed on Friday, so my weekend started off in a lovely way!! Hope yours was wonderful...

  12. Hi just found your blog Im your newest follower. Fresh linens to sink into, lush. Sunday mornings are for laying in, they dont happen often with children but luckily today was one of them. My bed truely my favourite place

  13. Oh, you are speaking my language today, girl. That bed is calling my name!

  14. Love my bed, love my linens... timeless. Good sleep, and coffee in the morning, ahhhh.
