
Friday, March 04, 2011


At first I thought this was a platter of fresh carrot crudite.
Fresh Spring carrots on the brain and the weekend menu

a carrot-top colored stool for the garden

fresh carrot orange seems to be pulling me and my eyes over.
and these stylish things that are orange.
A carrot orange sofa would certainly add a dash of freshness.
We all need carrots to drive us to our goals. Back from my local market and picked up a bunch of fresh carrots and thought how even the orange color seems so inspiring.
Meeting goals and deadlines do require discipline and motivation, do you hold some sort of carrot as a reward upon completion?


  1. Smiling all the way - how fun that creative minds think alike! Love how you went from a juju hat to an Hermes all in one post...

  2. Citrus hues never used to appeal to me but in recent years I've had a change of heart and now find that I'm mightily attracted to them.

    Two of my treasured possessions are in this colour and attract lots of positive comment whenever I wheel them out. An burnt orange 'Mulberry' handbag and an overnight bag in the same colour, also by Mulberry.

    Amazingly I found some gorgeous pumps several years ago to match the bag and often wear them when I have to facilitate a big presentation to a challenging audience & a bit like Dorothy's red heels, they always manage to 'get me home'.

    x Felicity

  3. Buzz,
    Creative minds do align!
    Juju's to Hermes - seem to hang happily with each other.

    I love that - I think I need some orange or ruby slippers to carry me home.
    happy weekend.

    Purple Flowers -
    Smiles, yes, that is the best reward.
    That feeling of contentment when a job is well done. Like a gold star!

  4. I love the orange feather camjuju hat! I always like to focus on the prize in front of me and before I know it I'm enjoying the wonderful accomplishment. xo

  5. Love the orange shoes....I went through an Orange phase a few years back....some reason that color just makes me happy. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Yeah - my favorite color!! And too funny about you and The Buzz both featuring the jujus!!

  7. So and Carolyn are on the same page today! I do like to give myself little treats every now and then. Getting my workout done early in the day is always the goal - speaking to yoga!

    xo E

  8. prettiest color in the rainbow!

  9. the motivation for me is having the job finished! when it's for difficult clients, it's even more exciting to have that weight lifted off my shoulders.

  10. Gorgeous orange. Carrots are on my menu this weekend too, going into a pot of Coc au Vin. Much more motivating than sticks, my favorite carrots for myself are fresh flowers for my desk! Happy orange weekend!

  11. Perfectly fresh, long live orange! Such a happy color!
    Happy weekend, love!

  12. i love your blog so much.))*

  13. how do you know them?.)

  14. PVE,

    For me, my motivation is always work first, then you can go outside and play. It works! The orange color for today is refreshing and fun. Also a great motivator is make it fun.


  15. Orange is such a happy and vibrant colour, I love your collection, it is beautiful, creative and inspirational...hope you're having a good w/end :))

  16. I think orange is such an inspiring color, don't you? Every project is more rewarding with a carrot at the end. Carla

  17. I'm staring at my Hermes orange colored water glass on my desk now. Very uplifting color. Happy weekend Patricia!

  18. I think that is why we love Tory Burch so much - we both share a love for orange! As you can see - its part of the theme of our blog!

  19. I picked up a bunch of fresh carrots today at the market. Love how they look when I open my refrigerator. Delicious on my salad this evening. know I love orange, er, I mean carrot. It matches the walls in my living room!

  20. Love orange, it's my second favourite colour next to yellow! And I seriously need to find that feather piece in sunflower yellow!!
    Your blog looks great (but I would love to see your header in a colour--of course I would say that, so just ignore me)

  21. these carrots are definitely good to my eyes. ;)

    i've never been good at waiting for the proverbially carrot as a reward. i always get too hungry to wait for it. ;)

  22. love this! we both did orange posts last week :) great minds think alike!

  23. Yes I am always motivated to complete any form of work or task by doing something completely enjoyable afterwards, no matter how big or small. Its those little rewards that keep me going, and they're so much more enjoyable when you earn them. I love the energy of orange.

  24. You are hilarious - thanks for the carrot crudite mention though! And just really came over to say how much I loved your comment on ABT about the TT tribal necklace - "it makes me want to dance around a roaring fire".
    LOVE that!
