
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

simple steps

Many of you know that I have been keeping a "wellness" journal which has helped me to record and to follow my progress and passion for living well, eating right along with making time for exercise.

A wonderful reader inspired me with this quote;
"One body, One mind"

I would like to suggest to each of you, to set up simple steps to incorporate an activity into your weekly agenda. I found this on-line and thought these four simple steps might inspire each of you.

What simple steps are you taking to add to your wellness?


  1. Laura,
    We all need to remind one another to take time to care for our minds and our bodies.
    Hope you are well.

  2. I just don't know how you manage to fit it all in, I wish I could keep a wellness journal...but this blog is about all I can keep up with at the moment. Trying to drink my 8 glasses of H2O a day, baby steps...

    --Gretchen O.

  3. I keep a journal with my mind, body and life goals broken down into the steps I think it would take to get there. For me the mind goals are the hardest. Physical activity has always been a big part of my life. De-stressing and learning to handle life as it comes on the other hand, that's my big challenge.

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

  4. I have two small dogs and I walk them for at least 40 mins every day. Your journal is a great idea, keeping track.

  5. Great tips and thanks for the reminder to us all...

  6. Oh yes I subscribe to that wonderful blog too... for me, I have to have 'the trigger' to get me out the door. Exercise shoes and clothes lined up (so I almost trip over them)... no excuses... just like cleaning your teeth! A-M xx

  7. I am very fortunate that the company I work for encourages and rewards "wellness" activities. I can log my activities (everything from a Spinning class to getting a flu shot!) online, and then I can redeem the points for PTO or cash twice a year! It's certainly a good incentive for me!

    P.S. Reopened my blogger blog, and just posted today; I would love it if you would stop by & check it out :)

  8. Thank you! I literally need all the help and inspiration I can get!

  9. This is such a great just take it one step at a time and make steady progress. And anything with the name zen in it speaks to me.

    I'm off to yoga tomorrow. And you?
    xo E

  10. Love this post!
    Thanks for the inspiration!
    I too keep a fitness journal!
    I've been doing YOGA now for two months!
    Love it!

  11. Easy goals - that's the ticket! But my problem may be that my goals are TOO easy... :)
    Good for you!

  12. Just like the pic, putting one foot in front of the other with a brand new pair of sneakers for motivation!
    Best always,

  13. Love your quest. I suffer from migraines, and would love to find a way to cure this illness. It's now a weekly battle. I've heard that maybe going completely vegan would help, but how does a mid-western girl who loves dairy and coffee go about this?! Float any ideas my way Ms. pve.
