
Thursday, October 28, 2010

jet setter

Meet "Jet Setter" - a recent illustration for JMcLaughlin. The ubiquitous lightweight wool scarf for drafty planes, a western shirt layered over the catalina stripe top and an easy stretch satin skirt and opaque tights. Add some bangles and a zippy belt, and you are good to go.

How about you? What is your favorite "jet setter" look for travel?


  1. Not nearly as nice as that....When we would fly overseas I'd always wear yoga pants,cardigan and pashmina scarf. Love your art.

  2. Frau,
    I think travel does require one to be comfortable and your ensemble sounds nice and cozy! Thanks for loving my art. I do hope we get to meet one day!
    Any plans to travel to NY?

  3. Patricia, I love this! It looks just like something I would wear..or at least I hope I would look this chic!

  4. My favorite is comfortable black slacks, red and white pinstipe blouse, and a sweater tied around my shoulders (cashmere or merino for winter and cotton for summer). The shoes I wear are black shoe-clogs. They are very comfortable, give spinal support and unlike boots, I can slip them off (although I do love boots). A shawl or scarf is another nice item in place of a sweater.

  5. I like the comfy top over leggings look with ballet flats. Maybe a pashmina if it is chilly.

    Wish I was jetsetting up your way for the fun festivities with PPT and Eddie in November!

    --Gretchen O.

  6. Jet setting is style, indeed. Love the mix of trends and looks so comfortable... tights are a must since shoes must come off! Who wants to walk through the screening area barefoot!

  7. Traveling by air, road or water I love comfort! xo

  8. I love your illustration, but especially the fashion ones. Love this one! I'm with Frau for the travel with yoga pants!

  9. Beautiful illustration - love the scarf and belt.

  10. Black pants, a black & white striped sailor's shirt - boatneck in summer, turtleneck in winter - with a black fleece vest. Ballet flats or black loafers. Easy, not sloppy and comfortable. I could switch out the pants and do a knit skirt. Always a pashmina tucked somewhere close.

  11. I always wear pants and dress in layers with the bottom being some sort of tee. I carry a pair of socks in my bag so my feet don't get cold and carry some sort of wrap or shawl in my carry on. Just can't bear to be cold!

  12. I have learned to wear clogs/slip ons not boots. To not wear boxy jackets (yup, you get searched for that), and to wear layers. Most importantly, I always make sure I have multiple things to read. I have also learned that you never, never eat the foot or drink the beverages and that you restrict your liquid intake to minimum. My plan is never to have to use a plane bathroom again!

  13. You're so right about the scarf. Can't go on a plane without one!

  14. This looks pretty good. I may have to change my look to this. How is your Studio project coming? Can't wait to see it complete.

  15. I try to be comfy but not sloppy. Black pants and layers. And my black cashmere wrap. Chic but doubles as a blanket!!

  16. Thanks to each of you for your comments. I think I need to sketch a new jet setter, dressed in black pants, and a top and shawl or scarf that can double as a blanket. Slip on shoes and some sort of sock for easy undressing through the security gates!
    I also think reading materials are a must!

  17. I can't live without my cashmere wrap that's for sure! Great illustration!

  18. Love the outfit--blues, greys and black--sophisticated for travel and window shopping NYC.

  19. I love your drawing Patricia! Black pants, a very thin long sleeve tee and a cashmere wrap. Ballet flats. A tote bag with an iPad, magazines {T & C, C California Style}, a book, lip balm and Naturopathica travel-size Rose Geranium mist. ; )
